When we hear those messages over and over and over again, they eventually do what they were designed to do: change the way we think about our stuff.
However, I want you to really begin to think along these lines — all your code does is shuttle data between two endpoints, over and over again.
If I don't want to over-sweeten or over-season, I put in what I THINK will be enough, taste, and then add some more again.
When we think of a hypochondriac, this is the person we think of, who goes to the doctor over and over again.
Sometimes it sucks being strong. Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again.
But her blind faith to him, to think that maybe she would find love in him, had made her fall over and over again, but now she wouldn't fall again.
Perseverance is definitely important, but I don't think that there was ever a time where there was something that was so difficult that I really needed to persevere over and over again to overcome it.
A thought imbued with a powerful emotion must be more important than a thought that had didn't emotionally affect you at all, even if you think that through over and over and over again.
When you look at the various applications that you have to complete, you're likely to think that it looks time consuming and very boring to fill in all of those questions over and over again.
Think of Martin Luther King Jr., over and over again, preaching that hate was a burden and love was freedom.
Life is all about acting over and over again. Once you step on the stage, never think about stepping off before the end of the show.
If you think your lawyer is trying to kill your deal, remember this: though there may only be a "one percent" chance your deal will go bad, your lawyer sees that "one percent" over and over again.
I think they've nicely demonstrated a correlation between periodic climate events and what we'd recognize as normal turnover in fauna that would happen over and over again, Barnosky said.
You're in my dreams over and over again, I'm so sad, because you never really appear before my eyes, I think you are really gone …
You're in my dreams over and over again, I'm so sad, because you never really appear before my eyes, I think you are really gone …