I think you can safely say she will not be appearing in another of my films.
You may call at Wuthering Heights this afternoon, if you like, and say that I am not angry, but I'm sorry to have lost her; especially as I can never think she'll be happy.
Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.
要做什么的时候,和她打声招呼,虽然并不一定是你喜欢她的表现。 不这样的话,会让她觉得你不那么在意她。
I can not say, but I think you should turn right at the overpass while you turn left.
LL: If you don't think something is that great, you can say something is not so boss.
要是今天的演出很棒,我就可以说:They are boss !但是上星期的表演不怎么样,那就是:Theyweren ' tso boss。
What, kid, dare not convinced? Really fierce! Think you men can say the world is good, let's woman no selection requirements? Now an example table as follows.
Still can not help but think of you, time is just to dilute the feeling, you are still I can not say the pain.
Dream of you forget tired, think you can not sleep, don't say you don't matter, take my red roses, you don't love me is you wrong!
I say that from my heart, but you only look at you and not think of the long days I put in for so long so I can rid myself of all bills and ex-wife.
You can not say anything not on those who do you think the plan is so-so, you can guide the implementation process so that they can return to the track of what you expected.
I like the practice opportunities but I don't think it's not as much a difference as most people say, you can be good in Europe if you just have the discipline.
And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.
But when you look to the two-to-three-year time fame, I do not think anyone can say with a straight face that any technology company has a guaranteed position.
LZ, I think nobody can understand your meaning! If you don't know how to express in English, pls do not say anything in a wrong way!
Are you trying to deceive me! I'm a very intelligent person. Do you really think you can fool me? All right, since you say you can be patient, and not get angry, I'll cut off your other hand, too.
The world can find a person in the side, can not taboo to say what I think and pray, and he should listen to and write down, even for you to achieve, it is a blessing.
But I have to say, if you think Im not good enough, then you dont have to buy my album isnt it? I just have to be good enough the best way I can.
If you deceive you myself, thinking that my mind did not understand, you're really a fool; If you think to say a few pleasant words, you can make me calm had.
I don't think you can really expect grown men to walk off and not say a word, whether it looks bad or not.
I don't think you can really expect grown men to walk off and not say a word, whether it looks bad or not.