Barcelona are thinking about me?
"I feel incredibly motivated by the fact that Manchester United are thinking about me," he said.
If I say something to you, you start thinking about me, if this man is reliable, if this man has attained what he says.
She married him in her late 20s, had two children in her early 30s, "and once I'd got that maternal part of my life out of the way, I suddenly started thinking about me again.
在她快30岁的时候,她与那个男子结婚了,并在30岁出头的时候生了两个孩子。 “可是,我在我的婚姻生活部分走出正常轨道时,我突然开始再次思考我自己。
In fact, every day is mother's day, because my mother for me to pay in a day, every day thinking about me, and I, too, I just want my next life, next life, I'm still your daughter.
Pierre responded, "If it is true that one is seriously thinking about me, I very much wish to be considered together with Madame Curie with respect to our research on radioactive bodies."
She's telling me about school and why she wants to be a veterinarian, and I'm thinking, "Jesus, she and her friend look exactly alike."
Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking about things.
Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.
At any rates, that conversation got me thinking about archaeological finds that really changed our understanding of ancient civilizations.
Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me.
For me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something.
I decided to spend an hour every night reading, thinking, and praying about why God put me on this earth.
The conference presentations and discussions I had with several people got me thinking about process in general and the role of process in software development.
We've made huge technology leaps since the new century began, which got me thinking about the difference today's technology will make in the lives of tomorrow's kids.
I can't know what you're thinking about unless you give me some clues.
Paramendra wrote a post last night that got me thinking about a class of apps that I'll call "mobile first web second".
And don't go thinking about her making a match for me - it is silly. '.
This got me thinking about the importance of praise, and how to praise effectively.
Then one day I just up and wrote to her. And she wrote me back and said she had been thinking about writing to me.
This started me thinking about something else, too… at the end of my life, the stories are really all that’s left.
This got me thinking about which of my kids believes in what mythical gift giver.
Even thinking about it as an investor makes me want to run for the hills.
Not a day goes by without me thinking about it, always at the back of my mind, in the confines of my subconscious taunting and laughing at me - daring me to try something new, something different.
But a busy market did not keep me from thinking about the work. Those quotations did not represent prices of stocks to me, so many dollars per share.
While the Cruze AD was schmaltzy, it got me thinking about how big a role technology now plays even in this, um, corporeal aspect of our lives.
People's questions sometimes get me thinking about a problem in a different way; I'll research a thorny question and learn something new as often as not.
I forego the cod tongues: just thinking about how they extract them makes me slightly queasy.
But it was Chester who dispensed affection as unreflectively as he breathed who got me thinking about this long ago pact between humans and dogs.
But it was Chester who dispensed affection as unreflectively as he breathed who got me thinking about this long ago pact between humans and dogs.