This is a regrettable oversight, since, as Remnick's narrative makes clear, white (and often Jewish) friends and associates formed a critical part of Obama's network.
But when external conditions changed, it failed to adjustment according to the time and led to the lack of literary art of a long time, we can't help but say this is a regrettable imperfect.
In a statement on the company's home page entitled "Sorry", Chris Yeh, head of the Yahoo! Developer Network, said: "This incident is regrettable and we apologise to anyone that we have offended."
But many companies still believe that, in this respect at least, there is a regrettable tension between the dictates of ethics and the logic of business.
Though the people in the world are all opposed to war, they can by no means avoid it. This is indeed a regrettable thing.
In this world, it is exactly the lack of wisdom that causes many regrettable things to happen. Therefore, wisdom is supremely precious, either in a worldly sense or spiritually.
But unfortunately I found her wearing a pair of big thick glasses, beautiful eyes are obscured behind the thick lenses, this is how regrettable thing! The mood became a little sad.
But unfortunately I found her wearing a pair of big thick glasses, beautiful eyes are obscured behind the thick lenses, this is how regrettable thing! The mood became a little sad.