Via this narrow road connecting Beichuan and the outside world, tens of thousands of people have been transferred to safety.
You will be impressed by the stillness of this place as soon as you leave the ant-hill of narrow streets, vendor stalls and rickshaws and carriages fighting for a place on the road behind.
The narrow road outside Beijing's No 55 Middle School is usually crowded just before morning lessons, but this week it was busier than usual.
This unique maneuver capability enhances survivability by permitting a 180-degree directional change when confined or built-up areas are encountered, and while traveling on narrow road surfaces.
This series models are specially for specific market development of products. This product design for special products of stone market, big load road and narrow channels, such special environments.
This series models are specially for specific market development of products. This product design for special products of stone market, big load road and narrow channels, such special environments.