While still preliminary, the findings offer clear proof that this breakthrough technology could be used in the development of biomarkers for a range of human diseases.
The key breakthrough underlying this new technology came from studies of the natural biosensors inside cells.
So there was a technology breakthrough, let's call it that, that allowed me to switch completely away from film, and I think this happened to a lot of photographers.
The use of biological control technology for water purification is emerging in the world, and this technique is a breakthrough.
Thanks to a breakthrough technology called Organic Displays, this could soon be reality.
An introduction is given to jet flow gallery ventilation technology and its application to Bantao Tunnel. This technology is a breakthrough compared with conventional gallery ventilation technology.
While biometrics is the latest breakthrough in security, Axxis Biometrics makes this technology approachable.
In recent years this technology has been fully developed to be used in the desulfurization of coke oven gas, producing breakthrough results, and thereby providing...
In this dissertation, laser beam shaping is selected as the breakthrough point, and liquid technology is used to realize the function of COES.
This machine has absorbed the merits of advanced technology in domestic field, focus on making breakthrough in mechanical structure.
This machine has absorbed the merits of advanced technology in domestic field, focus on making breakthrough in mechanical structure.