The old woman thought for a second and replied, It is as you will, my child.
She thought for a second, jumped out of bed, and we ran down to the goats together.
"Sarch looked at the strange box and thought for a second, then said sleepily, "May I have a sweet dream?
Next time you are about to enjoy deep-fried cuisine, hold that thought for a second because what you've swallowed now might come back to haunt you.
Though it was hard for me to add another mouth to feed, I never gave it a second thought.
The second drawer began to fill and as it did I wondered whether there were bigger discoveries out there, not just species, but life that depends on things thought to be useless, life even without DNA. I started a third drawer for these big discoveries.
第二个抽屉开始被填满。此时我在想外头是否还有更大的发现,不只是物种,还有依赖于人们认为无用的东西的生命以及甚至没有 DNA 的生命。我为这些重大发现设立了第三个抽屉。
The thought really crossed my mind for a split second - 'there is no way' [I am going to catch up].
In second grade, a schoolmate lent me a copy of "The Arabian Nights" -we both thought it was a book for children-and told me I had three days to read it.
With a few adjustments, this becomes the monetary base, which can be thought of as the special money that is available to the banking system for the second step.
For some, living together apart might be a good opportunity to have a second thought about the relationship.
Foreign developers of applications for phones didn't give the Japanese market a second thought because of its insularity.
So, I thought of having a second job on evenings. Because of my passion for make-up, working part-time in a wedding planner agency seemed a pretty good idea at that time.
And if you hear it not through these instruments, we ask you to put it down and walk on without a second thought, for we would not be a stumbling block before you.
Let's go to the cinema. No, wait, on second thought, I would rather just go for a walk.
He did not connect it with Mr Ducie's homily, still less with his second dream, but he thought he was going to be ill, and afterwards that it was somehow a punishment for something.
As he said this he sighed and looked so grave and noble and mysterious that for a second Digory really thought he was saying something rather fine.
Everyday you are changing also, At the moment you are older than last second., but you should never regret for your past, it is a wise thought and action which sum up past and handle the present.
In the second study, SEM results provided support for a model wherein thought suppression partially mediates the relationship between TAF and OCD symptoms Rachman et al.
And forty percent thought they should get a b, the second highest mark, just because they did most of the reading for class.
Ultimately anything that makes it harder to live in the real world for you should be given a second thought.
So, honestly, I wasn't giving it a second thought other than "Oh, great. There's still an audience for this stuff."
On the third day God created an economist. This was a tough one for the Devil, but in the end and after a lot of thought he created a second economist!
Hillary's book the Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World war-for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply.
This was the root of his rift with Shaq: the big guy thought the summer was for eating and the regular season was for getting in shape, and Bryant just couldn't play second fiddle to a guy like that.
Richard Hillary's book the Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World war-for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply.
Richard Hillary's book the Last Enemy was a kind of Last Will and Testament for the British who fought in the Second World war-for those, at any rate, who thought about it at all deeply.