On Halloween, children would usually wear strange costumes, knock on their neighbours' doors and threaten them with "trick or treat".
In any business agreement, when you have to threaten someone with, "my contract says...," that's typically not a good sign, the following response will probably be, "Sue me."
Barack Obama will work with Congress to devise a fairer set of rules, but he will be reluctant to free those who openly threaten Americans.
They constantly threaten traffic on the highway that connects Kandahar with Herat.
Rising seas spurred by climate change could threaten 180 U.S. coastal cities by 2100, a new study says, with Miami, new Orleans and Virginia Beach among those most severely affected.
Rising seas spurred by climate change could threaten 180 U. S. coastal cities by 2100, a new study says, with Miami, New Orleans and Virginia Beach among those most severely affected.
"They tend to threaten desecrators with divine retribution by the council of the gods, " Ikram said.
Israel is particularly worried by Iran's eagerness to warm relations with Sudan and Eritrea, a strategic spot on the Red Sea that could threaten Israeli shipping.
To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar.
A new organisation is to work to create legal support for journalists facing "huge risks" in countries with oppressive laws that threaten press freedom.
By counting each E-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.
Having a boss threaten to fire you is motivation - you'll likely work harder to complete a project with that kind of pressure.
The sanctions for misbehaviour were not credible: to threaten a deficit-ridden country with huge fines is like chastising a man hanging on to a cliff by treading on his fingers.
In recent years France and Italy, among others, have enacted laws that threaten consumers who buy fake goods with steep fines and even imprisonment.
And one idea is to threaten errant countries with the suspension of EU structural funds.
Therefore you know that they do not have the ability to do anything except threaten people with their massive Numbers.
I later learned that it's an old obstetric trick to threaten the mother of twins with a C-section in order to get her to push out the second baby, but Dr. Gold insisted he wasn't playing that game.
It was a close, sultry day: devoid of sunshine, but with a sky too dappled and hazy to threaten rain; and our place of meeting had been fixed at the guide-stone, by the crossroads.
China's economy is continuing to expand and looks to threaten US dominance on the global scene - with confrontations between the powers brewing ever since the Cold War.
The evil ones are planning to destroy the Milky Way and threaten your galaxy with severe star showers.
Perhaps with this crisis in the Gulf, more of humanity will awaken and demand an end to the old ways that threaten all life.
Perhaps with this crisis in the Gulf, more of humanity will awaken and demand an end to the old ways that threaten all life.