Each throw overboard inflatable life raft (each 18p) to be fitted on port and starboard side of poop deck. The life rafts shall be on the special racks, together with hydraulic relief device.
If you do exist then they will throw you overboard at night. Men get on board and they begin to complain.
When a great storm threatens to destroy the ship, he confesses his fault and asks the crew to throw him overboard.
If there is trouble, she's the first one to throw her colleagues and subordinates overboard into the shark-infested waters.
The balloon ran into a storm. They must throw two overboard in order to guarantee the safety of the rest of them.
Could you throw that person overboard, knowing that that would save everyone else and that the person would know what you were doing while you were doing it?
Only yesterday he had heard one of the mates say that they ought to throw her overboard before her tears could swamp the ship.
You must throw me overboard, 'Jonah replied, bravely.
You must throw me overboard, 'Jonah replied, bravely.