But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhand.
But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded.
But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded.
So take your kids out to the park and throw the ball around, play tag, etc
So take your kids out to the park and throw the ball around, play tag, etc.
I just saw Inzaghi was unmarked so I found the right time to throw the ball to him.
A: I still cannot get the hang of bowling. I always throw the ball into the gutter.
Except for one or two special plays, players use their hands to carry or throw the ball.
At first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing.
When playing basketball, the player must throw the ball to another as soon as he catches it.
Jake: No. I broke my shoulder three times. I can't throw the ball anymore. I don't like to talk about it.
If we should throw the ball at a speed of about five miles a second, it wouldn't fall back to the ground.
For James, the basketball court is concerned, he was going to throw the ball the highest score, get thirty.
Cesta: a scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the hand and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai.
I've tried different things with him: I used to throw the ball with him out in the yard, but he got tired of that;
At that time hands could be used to catch the ball but players were not allowed to throw the ball forward or run with it.
I told Bob to block the kid to the right too, then run hard left, and I’d throw the ball to him right before the rusher got to me.
If you throw the ball before the car's at a right Angle to your position, you're throwing the ball INTO the car and it hits with force.
But you may want to think about this — if I throw the ball up, going to be away from the earth I'll bet you anything that the earth will also go away from the ball.
All the waiting is over--it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
I know Shaq's Numbers have been down in rebounding, but you have that big fella down there, all he's going to do is rebound, throw the ball up the court and they're going to run.
According to Naismith's book, "this player soon became so expert that he could throw the ball into the basket a large percentage of the time; this meant that a foul was practically as good as a goal."
According to Naismith's book, "this player soon became so expert that he could throw the ball into the basket a large percentage of the time; this meant that a foul was practically as good as a goal."