A group of rubbish collectors in Turkey are recycling the books that people have thrown away.
"You have been wonderfully quick," her father retorted, with a vindictive politeness that was quite thrown away upon her.
When a bottle is empty, it will be thrown away as waste.
Single-use plastic bags are used at most a few times before they are thrown away.
We like to go to eat in fast food restaurants, but children only play with the plastic toys they give us for a few minutes before they get thrown away.
Also, the corporate emphasis on freshness means unsold doughnuts are always thrown away (it would be "irresponsible" to give them away, says Denby, because they are "a treat and not a meal".)
For example, if you have erroneously modeled operations inside of a template instantiation or an anonymous union, then such operations need to be thrown away.
One of the risks is obviously that such a device would be thrown away or discovered by someone accidentally.
This was wasteful because when a particular market is oversupplied, fish are thrown away, even though there may be buyers for them a little farther along the coast.
Studies in America and Britain find that a quarter of food from shops goes straight into the rubbish bin or is thrown away by shops and restaurants.
Her mother, while Pearl was yet an infant, grew acquainted with a certain peculiar look, that warned her when it would be Labour thrown away to insist, persuade, or plead.
Yet this would not be the first time that a dominant man, blinded by the habit of abuse and the arrogance of power, had thrown it all away and ruined the people unfortunate enough to cross his path.
If you often find yourself buying groceries that end up being thrown away, or if you get lured in by the cookies or ice-cream, then having a list will help.
He is writing a book, "Upcycling," about reusing objects that might otherwise be thrown away.
There is a good chance they may never pin down the cause as people forget exactly what they ate weeks ago, contaminated food is thrown away and farm and factory equipment is disinfected.
It is much less painful and more time-efficient to make such decisions early, during the outline phase, rather than after you've already done a lot of writing which has to be thrown away.
Coffee is also a plant product, but once the beans are ground and used they end up being thrown away or put on gardens as compost.
Designs are often used only once, most buildings are not energy-efficient, the industry produces a lot of waste, and many materials are simply thrown away.
At one point, what looks to be a rock is thrown into the crowd. People scurry away.
I can remember no symptom of affection on either side; and had any thing of the kind been perceptible, you must be aware that ours is not a family on which it could be thrown away.
This is a great way to give new life to books that are falling apart, torn, missing covers or pages, or would have otherwise been thrown away.
At worst, a drawerful ofconfidential information might be thrown away by accident and end up on arubbish dump.
If we get thrown out of a window on the top floor of a skyscraper, we expect to hurtle to the ground, no matter how much we would rather fly away and land safely elsewhere.
A lot of our freedom is thrown away if we are unable to claim ownership of our time.
Cord blood is a noncontroversial source of stem cells, yet experts estimate that 99% of this potentially lifesaving resource gets thrown away postpartum.
On the other hand, know when a script will not be thrown away, and write your code accordingly!
In the past few weeks, I have accidentally thrown away an FT mobile phone and wrecked a BlackBerry by putting it into the washing machine.
This approach seemed like a lot of work, especially when most of the prototyped reports were going to be thrown away.
This approach seemed like a lot of work, especially when most of the prototyped reports were going to be thrown away.