The towns were thus much larger than the rural villages.
However SFN is much weaker than these other plant-based drugs, and thus much less toxic.
However SFN is much weaker than these other plant-based drugs, and thus much less toxic.
Its thus much too early to tell whether the recovery will be rated a success or a failure.
Our responsibility is thus much greater than we had supposed, for it concerns mankind as a whole.
Combining both frequency and duration refers to the volume of training, thus much easier to quantify.
This form of gold is much purer than the original gold grains, which also contain silver and mercury, and is thus much more attractive to miners, the team reports this month in Geology.
Thus, the spinning top generated a much more powerful gravitomagnetic field than expected.
Instead, the most sensible thing would be for neighbors to combine efforts to produce as much food as possible, and thus aggregated towns were a sensible arrangement.
Under-reporting rates are much higher for obese people, because they simply consume more food, and thus have more to remember.
By great effort, and with much danger to himself, he brought Robert to the shore, and thus saved his life.
Thus, people who need to exert much energy in their work will find relaxation most desirable in leisure.
Thus, I won't spend much time on the specifics of how to write this code.
Thus, you can reliably find out how much buffer space you would need to format something completely.
Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten, thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case.
This approach meant that the individual sensor nodes could have much less powerful radios, thus saving energy.
Shadows are most of the time a darker version of the ambient light because the ambient light gets reflected/bounced of pretty much everywhere and thus mixes with the actual color of the object.
Products of fashion, by definition, have a shorter life cycle, and they thus have a much shorter time in which to reap their reward.
If the product owner is able to exert undue influence over that commitment, then the team can't call that commitment truly their own, thus losing much of the self-organizing power of Scrum.
This means that IFS is used less often, and, thus, it's much less dangerous (the original sh split all words using IFS, even commands).
We Canadians think and worry too much — and thus we think and worry too much about ourselves.
Being good art is thus a property of objects as much as, say, being toxic to humans is: it's good art if it consistently affects humans in a certain way.
This means that they do not execute against the database until they are evaluated, and thus run much faster than immediate queries.
Thus christened, my old identity began to fade, much as a baby will not remember all that happened before it is born.
Thus, the concept of personal responsibility is much more complicated and unrealistic than is often assumed.
The investigation result shows that many people overestimate how tall they are and underestimate how much they weigh — and thus do not rate themselves are overweight, even when they are.
That may be higher than the historical average but may simply reflect the expectation that dividends may be cut sharply this year, and will thus rebound from a much lower base.
For one, they grow much faster than normal tables and thus can cause some serious performance issues.
For one, they grow much faster than normal tables and thus can cause some serious performance issues.