From customers' perspectives, Internet has reduced time and space limitation they are facing.
The mechanism of Collaboration OA based in P2P technology follows the trend of flatter management which breaks time and space limitation of ordinary OA and improves greatly the work efficiency.
Last but not least, classical music frequently transcends the limitation of time and space.
To some extent, writing is much more important than speaking, for it can spread without the limitation of space and time.
The limitation of space and time is overcome by dummy design center that has advantages about optimize combination and effective correspond in the system.
Using the network test mode, the students may break through the limitation of traditional education resources and education method without the restraint of time and space.
Physical education adopting network is a entirely new mode of teaching. It's beyond the limitation of time and space, and essentially changes the teaching mode of traditional P. e.
It is believed by the author that only the spirit is just the deepest step, the heart and the soul of culture, and it is perpetual beyond the limitation of time, space and class.
It's the purposes and the objects of the teachers' work to decide the extensive range and no strict time space limitation.
Dongjing market broke the limitation of space and time, formed special markets, cultural and recreational market and labor force market, so the commodity transaction was exceptionally prosperous.
This teaching method has break down the traditional limitation of time and space, which can make people enjoy acquiring knowledge freely.
Owing to the power of mythology, the Sound and the Fury transcends the limitation of time and space, reaching a higher point as a modern fable concerned with the fate of human race.
Common region labeling algorithms often cannot meet the requirement of processing image at real-time because of the limitation of processing time and memory space.
Common region labeling algorithms often cannot meet the requirement of processing image at real-time because of the limitation of processing time and memory space.