You have to play every time at the top because you have to be focused in every game.
When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs.
Katy's hit song "Firework" is also back to No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 -its fourth cumulative time at the top!
It also watches for what's called "close-by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.
It also watches for what's called "close by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.
The added skills can also protect you from being at the top of the list when it is time for a cut.
Ask any number of people what they value in life and you'll probably find time, money and peace of mind somewhere at the top of their priorities.
Some people use their time and money badly and start at the top only to work down to the proper level of their poor abilities.
If content sits at the top of the food chain why do we spend so much time talking about the finer points of design?
Nadal also identified the point, at a time when he said Murray was on top, as a key moment in the match.
If content sits at the top of the food chain, why do we spend so much time talking about the finer points of design?
I know I’ll always need gas in my vehicle. So instead of putting in $25 here and $25 there, I top off my tank every time I’m at the station regardless of the sticker shock.
This is the time in the process when, for example, you need to tell your client that you won't condense all the content at the top of a web page simply because they believe the "above the fold" myth.
More critically, this time around SAP, like the White House, needs more than just a new personality at the top.
Cybercrime is at such an all-time high that the FBI has listed it as one of the top security threats.
Starting at the top of Listing 3, policies are valid for a set period of time.
Yet it took five years before the Dreyfusards secured a second military trial, at which the captain was again found guilty, this time after the top brass forged evidence against him.
To top it off, he would never wear a tie — standard practice at the time for franchisees.
Perhaps the most damaging feature for the ruling clergy is the struggle that has broken out-for the first time so publicly-at the very top of the power structure.
The project folders are created at the same time as a project and, by default, they are grouped directly under the top-level project folder in specific locations.
But I can't see them at the top of the technology hill planting their flag again for the fourth time next year.
The image at the top of this article might seem like the result of pure luck, it’s easy to believe that I was simply in the right place at the right time, but that isn’t entirely true.
Last year, in an attempt to save money, Quinnipiac announced plans to cut the women's volleyball team. At the same time, it elevated the cheerleading squad into a new varsity (top level) sport.
I suspect a lot of people aren't sure what's the top idea in their mind at any given time.
French judges will decide whether to launch an inquiry that would bring Christine Lagarde under scrutiny at a time when she is lobbying for the IMF's top job.
The rises come at time when many Londoners face a pay freeze and the retail price index is running at -1.4%, and on top of a 6% increase in fares this year.
在涨价政策出台的同时,很多伦敦市民正面临囊中羞涩的艰辛,零售物价指数更是达到了- 1.4%。而在此之前,公共交通费用今年已经上涨了6%。
We had an American colleague working with us at the time, who only a year before had been on a work assignment at the top of one of the towers.
We had an American colleague working with us at the time, who only a year before had been on a work assignment at the top of one of the towers.