The result showed that the percentage of apoptosis cell increases with the time of exposure to etoposide.
Some people with HIV infection remain without symptoms for years between the time of exposure and development of AIDS.
The activity of SOD decreased with the extended time of exposure, however, both the POD activity and the CAT activity went up.
On a fishing vessel, time of exposure cannot be reduced, but the researchers called for special measures to reduce noise intensity.
The only proven biological effect of radiation at Chernobyl was an increase in thyroid cancer among those who were children at the time of exposure.
托马斯(Gerry Thomas)指出,切尔诺贝利核扩散可能增加儿童甲状腺癌症发生率的风险性预测,唯一能得到生物学效应证明的只是那些当时直接暴露在核辐射下的儿童。
The EEL represents a cumulative exposure limit taking into account both the time of exposure and the concentration at which the exposure occurs.
Are you used to observing the world with distance in your life, like lighting a cigarette during the time of exposure without any personal comment.
In addition to the PS version at the time of exposure and film, we will also use a glass plate, covering, rubber membrane, figure ubiety as it is shown below.
Poor outcomes are largely related not only to dosage but to a woman's stage of pregnancy at the time of exposure; first and second trimesters are of the most concern.
Ultrasound-assisted gene delivery is associated with the parameters of ultrasound exposure, such as mechanical index, pulse repetition frequency, time of exposure, and so on.
Methods Descriptive time of exposure to vibration and rates of symptoms in hands and general symptoms of 254 vibration workers, and corn-paring with 28. nonvibration workers groups.
And the element such as setting of power of engine of eruption grain size, time of exposure, aircraft, need to bring into consideration limits when putting forward safety to be restricted to be worth.
Over time, unprotected exposure can contribute to cataracts, as well as cancer of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes.
Without any available cohort studies to test exposure over a long period of time, though, they have had to rely on lab studies, which failed to find any clear or reproducible biological effects.
What makes these exposures a source of infection is probably not any one exposure but the cumulative nature of being exposed frequently over the course of time.
The long exposure time required for moonlight photography often means that the moon may have moved significantly over the course of the exposure.
Photos are unavoidably limited by the trade-off between depth of field, exposure time and image noise.
A full moon can be a savior for reducing the required exposure time and allowing for extended depth of field, while a moonless night greatly increases star visibility.
Regular exposure to such messages could intensify over time, creating a vicious cycle that keeps women from reaching the top of high-status fields.
It is thought that they receive more exposure to pesticides during the first few months of pregnancy - a critical time for brain development.
This first photograph was captured during an eight hour exposure, taking so much time that the sun passed overhead and thus illuminating both sides of the courtyard.
So continuous exposure over time could leave substantial amounts of inflammatory particles in the brain, he speculates.
But due to centuries of exposure to the elements, the bones and bunks-and much of the caves themselves-had collapsed by the time the team entered the Chambers.
Low dose exposure to caesium-137, even over a long period of time, is perhaps not as damaging to health as we would have predicted.
The experts concluded at that time that a number of additional studies were necessary in order to fully evaluate the toxicity and health impact of acrylamide exposure through foods.
Runners spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, so it's important that we take steps to protect our skin from sun exposure.
Runners spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, so it's important that we take steps to protect our skin from sun exposure.