Parametric measurements measure waveform properties such as rise time, fall time, overshoot, period, and amplitude on either a pulse waveform or an eye diagram.
Meanwhile, PWM inverters using high switching frequency device that shortens the rise time of PWM output pulse have been widely applied in high-speed AC driving locomotive.
The width of the reflection pulse is increased and its amplitude reduced as the rise time of incident wave delays, which may to some extent be good for the detection of insulation faults.
The key of Ultra-wideband(UWB) technology lies in how to generate the fast rise-time and short-duration pulse.
超宽带(UW B)技术实现的关键之一是如何设计并产生可以控制的UW B极窄脉冲。
The four common ultrasonic methods for measuring Q value in the laboratory, rise time, pulse echo, spectral ration and waveform inversion techniques are reviewed.
Pulse power with fast rise time technology was applied in many fields such as nuclear physics, electron beam, accelerator, laser, HPM etc.
Tow base-band IJF pulse signal have been researched: the time-limited double-code rise cosine pulse and the time-limited double-code triangle pulse.
研究了两种基带IJ F脉冲信号:双码元间隔升余弦脉冲以及双码元间隔三角脉冲,并对它们的性能参数作了比较。
This paper mainly introduces the computation of time interval of pulse delay in the design of pulse positioning of rise and fall frequency of step motor with microcomputer control.
They are ideal for high frequency and high pulse rise time circuits and find wide application in snubbers, switcher and high voltage power suppliers and electronics lighting ballasts.
They are ideal for high frequency and high pulse rise time circuits and find wide application in snubbers, switcher and high voltage power suppliers and electronics lighting ballasts.