This information includes build steps, requestor, and date and time queued.
These queued requests are then processed one at a time by the job spooler.
The JSF specification explains how pages are "restored" after receiving an action, during which time events are queued and selections registered.
In other words, silver requests will, on average, spend twice as much time being queued as gold requests, when there are insufficient resources to immediately service the request.
If more events occur before the event handler returns, browsers enqueue them until the event handler does return, and then process the queued events in order, one at a time, synchronously.
The queued traffic sees an increased response time since it spends some amount of time in a queue prior to being serviced.
If the condition persists, the queued work and dispatched work begin to time out and fail.
If you do a poor job of describing your interface, expect to see these people queued up at your desk waiting for a big chunk of your valuable time.
This means that both types of requests will spend some time in the queue, but the gold requests will be queued for proportionately less time.
The experiment results show that the mean wait time of queued tasks decreases apparently in the mechanism.
If everyone queued up all the time, everything would be very orderly and accident would not happen.
This paper focuses on the lead queued vehicle on a single approach of signalized intersection and presents a lead queued vehicle Determination Algorithm on the basis of real-time detector data.
When the service detects that there are no more actions queued, it resets its status so that it will not restart the next time the computer is booted, and then it shuts itself down.
Timestamp property is used, a queued message's Date: header is set to this property, not the message creation time.
Queued applications, by design, work in a disconnected manner, so the sending and receiving applications might not be running at the same time.
Before we got into the party place, we had queued and waited for a long time in sunny hot weather.
Before we got into the party place, we had queued and waited for a long time in sunny hot weather.