If the company's software engineers think they can tinker up something to make themselves more productive-for example, a custom-built project tracking system-merrill doesn't stand in their way.
If we begin to tinker with that and don't know what we are doing, we are likely to mess up and cause side effects that might only become evident much later.
Tinker with a few physical constants and we would end up with no stars, or no matter, or a universe that lasts only for the blink of an eye.
No more do you need to remember what font size you used on the author bio page or tinker with the hex color of multiple HTML tables; and certainly no more tags ti clutter up your code.
“When you’re working with equipment that’s much more expensive, you’re more hesitant to open it up and tinker with it, ” Stahlman says.
First you call up a blueprint on your computer screen and tinker with its shape and colour where necessary.
Scientists have dreamed up various ways to tinker with insects' DNA to fight disease.
Then the tinker, dressed up in his wide ceremonial clothes, with a big fan in his hand, came out on the platform, made his politest bow and set the wonderful tea-kettle on the stage.
Then the tinker, dressed up in his wide ceremonial clothes, with a big fan in his hand, came out on the platform, made his politest bow and set the wonderful tea-kettle on the stage.