High sugar content snacks include dessert soup, cakes, chocolate, soft drinks, sweetened juices and tinned fruit etc.
A French friend who'd made a trip to the United States had returned with tales of “very strange” fare, including “tinned vegetable cocktails and tinned fruit salads.
We are sorry, however, that our tinned fruit products are in great demand at the moment, since it is in the middle of summer, which is our busiest season for fruit.
Why do you take so much tinned food with you to France? Buy local fruit and vegetables-live off the country.
Fruit must be tinned in natural juice, or water, with no added sugar or salt, and not in syrup, which lots of fruit is.
We planned to enter our name in the annual Christmas drawing for a chance to win a hamper filled with fancy tinned cookies, tea, fruit and candy.
Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables can be dried, tinned or frozen, then stored for later use.
Meat, fish, fruit and vegetables can be dried, tinned or frozen, then stored for later use.