I was scared of this at first, yet I got used to it after a long time, and tried my best to adapt to the environment I was in.
In fact, Japanese industry organization has many aspects of characteristics, and it can change itself to adapt to the environment.
Successful general is often let their plans to adapt to the environment, rather than creating the environment to adapt to her plan.
Calm and steady way, a reasonable arrangement to co-ordinate the affairs of life, quick to adapt to the environment, integration into the group.
To enable students to adapt to the environment and succeed in the fierce job competition, learning career plan has been introduced into the higher education.
Women in psychology, personality, language, communication and the ability to adapt to the environment and other areas have advantages, but there are some limitations.
Face recognition system USES the world's leading recognition algorithm with advantages of high accuracy, high-speed authentication, strong ability to adapt to the environment and so on.
A variety of sports not only our bodies strong, but also to hone our will to cultivate on a regular basis, to adapt to the environment, overcome difficulties, the spirit of unity and cooperation.
It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.
The ability of a species to compete and adapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that is essential for survival.
The most important factor for the survival of a species is its ability to compete and adapt to gradual changes in its environment.
There is yet another aspect of the harsh environment that they have to adapt to, the force of tides and occasional violent storms.
Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you.
In order for it departments within an enterprise to survive in and adapt to this controlled financial environment, they need to align themselves with demands of the business.
All these features allow you to adapt the database to your business environment instead of compromising your design to fit the database.
In short, your configuration must be flexible enough to adapt to the consumer's database environment, or your code will not be used.
However, the ability to deliver wide reuse of components depends heavily on the capability to adapt components to the environment in which they are used.
The polar peoples are still relatively numerous; few outsiders have been able to adapt to the beautiful but harsh physical environment.
Hale said genes often work in combination, and new genes may one day become involved with other genes to help the lake sturgeon create new traits needed to adapt to changes in its environment.
During this evolution in computing, it is critical for software houses to be able to adapt to the changing environment to continue to fulfill the needs of businesses and consumers alike.
There's a scientific word for this: phenotypic plasticity, the ability of an individual to change its traits to adapt to its environment.
Developers who may not have had to work hard to sell their apps in the past are finding more difficult environment and have to learn to adapt.
However, one function the organization performs is to place members in a psychological environment that helps adapt their choices to organizational objectives.
Users will benefit from having control of their own environment and the ability to adapt to their day-to-day needs.
Adapt STH to STH They found it urgent to adapt themselves to the environment.
Match the useful patterns to help adapt the solution to allow a larger number of potential gamers to access the most services in the environment.
Match the useful patterns to help adapt the solution to allow a larger number of potential gamers to access the most services in the environment.