To arrest a person, the police have to be reasonably sure that a crime has been committed.
On June 27th, the state government raised the stakes by authorizing the police to arrest Mr. Singh for hurting Sikh sentiments.
The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.
Guarded the city of the Damascenes desiring to arrest me.
The patrolling navies are reluctant to arrest them because of the legal complexities.
The tribes here are very strong. It would bring great shame on you to arrest your cousin.
You can pretty much guess the rest…he was “apprehended” until police arrived to arrest him.
Depending on the case, the commandos are sometimes given the option to arrest or kill their prey.
Basically, what you do is try to arrest as much supply as possible then you bid up the price.
On August 4th police intending to arrest a young man in Tottenham, north London, shot him dead instead.
To arrest this process, don't overcook, and place the eggs in cold water as soon as they are off the boil.
Geithner projects a conviction that acting to arrest financial meltdown is not just necessary but right.
He failed, and any successor who wants to arrest the abolitionist trend is likely also to be frustrated.
The findings show the importance of taking multiple approaches to arrest the disease in humans, the authors say.
She refused to give him the name of another man who was at the house, and then resisted when he tried to arrest her.
Many victims expect it to compensate them and return them to their homes after a conflict-and to arrest the bad guys.
A jewellers was also reportedly attacked before plain-clothed police nearby ran in to arrest two looters from the shop.
Four frames later, secret policemen are climbing the stairs to arrest him, and the article is never mentioned again.
HP's critics, however, claim that its boss has not done enough to arrest the sales slide, which has dented its share price.
He was anxious to arrest the spread of means-tested top-up help for pensioners, which discourages private retirement saving.
"Here all we see is repression... weekly visits from Ibama, to arrest, fine, repress and even embargo areas," complained Noronha.
It didn't occur to me to arrest him. It did not even cross my mind that I was a detective. My only thought was my personal safety.
He was anxious to arrest the spread of means-tested top-up help for pensioners 【 8 】, which discourages private retirement saving.
In principle, it should also be possible with concerted action to arrest, if not reverse, another growing problem, the rise of slime.
For that reason, law enforce-ment officials will never be out of a job. Police officers have their hands full trying to arrest lawbreakers.
正因这个原因,执法人员永远都不会失业, 警察手上堆满了逮捕罪犯的工作, 侦探社花上数不清的时间想办法解决尚未侦破的案件.
People realize that unless we take steps to arrest climate change, we are heading toward catastrophic consequences that will be irreversible.
To arrest and imprison such a child is an admission that psychology, science and society don't understand what's happening and what to do about it.
To arrest and imprison such a child is an admission that psychology, science and society don't understand what's happening and what to do about it.