Go to Angkor Wat during sunrise or sunset to avoid crowds.
The prince travelled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies.
Try to avoid crowds – you don't want to pick up another bug on the rebound, which is what can happen.
In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.
In 2011, many shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.
It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they travelled to and from work.
They often keep their young on ice floes to avoid the crush of the jostling walrus crowds on land.
Subscribe to a movie rental service to avoid large crowds.
At the Salt Lake City airport, Dennis Tos made sure to try to avoid delays and crowds by boarding a redeye flight shortly before midnight.
This is believed to be why they march in crowds. By keeping on the move they avoid becoming a meal for a neighbour—surely a powerful incentive for a sudden change of direction, too.
If you tend to be an emotional sponge, it's vital to know how to avoid taking on an individual's negative emotions or the free-floating kind in crowds.
Let 's take the devious route home to avoid the crowds in the main roads.
Central American is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements.
Last month, Walt Disney World began offering after-hours access to visitors who want to avoid the crowds.
上个月,沃尔特·迪士尼世界(Walt Disney World)开始给想避开人群的游客提供下班时间的游览服务。
Last month, Walt Disney World began offering after-hours access to visitors who want to avoid the crowds.
上个月,沃尔特·迪士尼世界(Walt Disney World)开始给想避开人群的游客提供下班时间的游览服务。