Biddy, 'said I, after binding her to secrecy,' I want to be a gentleman. '.
I will start with the ladies because I want to be a gentleman, guys take note!
You love him, but he thinks he's who the god loves. Every time he meets you, he pretends to be a gentleman.
Anyone who wants to be a gentleman must cultivate their persons and get to he Heaven by self-training and self-culturing.
Apart from His spiritual claims, he couldn't even pretend to be a gentleman, or otherwise. He would not have kept us all waiting.
The schoolmaster told us that there was to be a flower show for the school children this year, and that an old gentleman would give prizes to the best arranged wild flowers.
As to the rest, the man was very finely dressed--he must be a gentleman.
Recently my journalistic career brought me in contact with a man who, when I first met him, seemed to be the very embodiment of a charming and well-heeled gentleman.
The servant, who cleaned his boots, thought they certainly were a shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman, for he had not yet bought any new ones.
Do the gentleman-like thing, ask for the kid to be named after you, write her a check for 18 years of child support, and get a vasectomy.
I believed I was doing all the right things to keep her interested in me, her parents loved me, and I was as caring and polite as a gentleman should be.
If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you'll find a double-breasted suit to be the best choice.
At the beginning of the 19th century, which you might call the prelude to the Victorian era, Walter Scott had demonstrated that you could be a gentleman and write fiction.
'Well! You have come here to be educated, and taught a useful trade,' said the red-faced gentleman in the high chair.
A gentleman who was present, answered: "Yes, Madam, the sun is a very fine body, to be sure, but in my opinion, it is not so useful as the moon."
You can't imagine that such a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.
The title is ironic, it tells an orphan, Pip wants to be the ideal upper story of disillusionment, he eventually did not as a gentleman, of course, and there is no so-called Great Expectations.
Paddy : If you want to be more of a gentleman you need to think about other people.
The gentleman looked fidging fain to be gone, but submitted in a manner that made mary like him .
What you are expected to be is gentleman who drops his girl home after a date or at least offers to do so.
If you repeat this information to a gentleman whom I can summon in an instant from the next room, you can be consigned to some place of safety without half an hour's delay.
He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world.
That a gentleman, whom I had reason to think--in short, that a man, whom I KNEW to be engaged--but how shall I tell you?
That a gentleman, whom I had reason to think--in short, that a man, whom I KNEW to be engaged--but how shall I tell you?