It is OK to be anxious, but remember that there is light at the end of the channel and life will get normal again.
Eurocrats have reasons to be anxious, as their tans fade under leaden Brussels skies.
I used to be anxious to accomplish much good in the would. I am now content if I do but little harm.
Heavy Facebook users show signs of being more gregarious, but they are also more likely to be anxious, hostile or depressed.
Researchers like Pasricha have long noted that these people are also more likely than their peers to be anxious or depressed.
There are too many who are expert at "texting" in the blogshpere to be anxious to republish your writings in particular.
It is unnecessary to be anxious, for such bearings will take considerable misalignment because of the inherent flexibility.
Objective: Understood clinical nurses the risk event the occurrence if the occupation to be anxious whether has the relevance.
Our study shows that a 'bowl-half-full' dog is less likely to be anxious when left alone than one with a more 'pessimistic' nature.
Sadness isn't the only symptom. Children of depressed mothers are more likely to be anxious, irritable and disruptive than other kids.
German researchers conducted a study on garlic and found out that when people eat garlic, they are less likely to be anxious and angry.
We tend to be anxious knowing that others have collected more grassroots than we have while we are far from anxious knowing that we have not collected enough ourselves.
Objective: Discusses the gynecology and obstetrics department to be anxious, danger, critically ill patient standardization, sequenced first aid nursing nursing measure.
I feel the eclipse will be positive and encouraging - not at all like some of the monster eclipses you've felt over the past years - so I see no reason for you to be anxious.
By worrying about the wrong things, we do actual damage to our children, raising them to be anxious and unadventurous or, as she puts it, "hothouse, mama-tied, danger-hallucinating joy extinguishers."
She could not, however, reach such a degree of certainty, as not to be anxious to hear whether anything had been said on the subject at the other house, where the Crofts had previously been calling.
I'm very anxious because I have a lot of assignments which must all be given in to our teacher by Friday.
Still, many fans will likely be anxious to hear those classic sheets of synth and 80s production on the original demo.
Before a meeting people are unsure how important the information they know is, and are also anxious to be seen in a good light by others in the group.
Studies show that mindful people not only have stronger immune systems but are more likely to be happy and enjoy greater life satisfaction, and they are less likely to be hostile or anxious.
And the rising ambitions of these eastern nations in Africa have spurred the Americans into action, anxious not to be outdone in a continent which they feel should be in their orbit.
Sometimes I listen to people talk and they are stressed out and anxious to know when everything will be resolved.
Labels if they are smart would not be so anxious to give people hits right away.
Labels if they are smart would not be so anxious to give people hits right away.