Granting the achievement to be great, we have no reason to be conceived.
Thus children who were not conceived in the marriage bed, were said to be conceived “on the bast” and were therefore bastards.
And so infinity is not, as most frequently happens, to be conceived as an abstract away and away for ever and ever, but in the simple manner previously indicated.
Is it to be conceived that men who have enjoyed, for such a length of days, the light and happiness of freedom, can be restrained, and shut up again in the gloom of ignorance and degradation?
Living alone was conceived to be negative—dark and cold—while being together suggested warmth and light.
At the same time, he was anxious to do what he conceived to be his duty to his superiors in England.
Designs cannot be conceived in a vacuum, but I like to add, Design cannot be executed without a strong process.
Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolicrepresentation of what is conceived to be reality.
Children cannot be conceived without fathers, and although, they can be raised without them, it is wrong to deliberately embark on such a plan.
They are conceived as abstract representations of greenhouses, trowels and wheelbarrows - objects that are to be found in the gardens of the neighbouring houses.
And the message is again simple: believe, and you will achieve; conceive, and it will be conceived, in reality, in the world; it will come to you.
If the mathematical ideas are out there, waiting to be found, then somehow a purely abstract notion has to have existence even when no human being has ever conceived of it.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type’s women know this is not the case.
A typical software development lifecycle begins with an effort to understand the system that is conceived to be built.
Once the required JMeter components were identified and a general test plan design conceived, the test scripts had to be built.
And the fine-structure constant will have shown itself to be more mysterious than even Feynman conceived.
"Loneliness has been conceived in the past as depression, introversion, shyness or poor social skills," says Cacioppo. "Those turn out not to be right."
Ten years ago, when a slick gadget he conceived and helped to build hit the market, most analysts shrugged, saying the new tech toy would be irrelevant to most people.
The Foster tower, originally conceived as 79 storeys and 390 metres (1, 270 feet) high, topped by four gleaming diamonds, would be reduced to what the paper calls "a glorified, prettied-up stump".
Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
The increase is thought to be a product of the recovering economy - many of the projects completed in 2014 were conceived before the 2008 recession, as were many more that will be completed this year.
Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
The typeface was conceived to be one of the pillars of Spore's branding strategy, functioning in body text as well as in display situations.
Partnerships can be a useful way to screen out poorly conceived projects that are unlikely to generate the promised returns.
This conceivable being would have, in addition to God's properties, a quality lacked by God, ie, existence, and so would be greater than the being greater than whom nothing could be conceived.
This conceivable being would have, in addition to God's properties, a quality lacked by God, ie, existence, and so would be greater than the being greater than whom nothing could be conceived.