Thunderstorm seems to be doomed from the beginning this is a tragedy.
No one wants to be doomed to repeating the same actions when they are not really working (some definition of madness here).
Mine is mine eventually, I after all am your traveler, and you always don't love me. It is to be doomed that there is nothing to occur between me and you.
Three days to be doomed, seven points by hard work, everything can not be forced, as long as you do your best, you do not have to blame yourself, do not have to worry about.
'Wuji' is originally invisible, but when the world is about to be doomed, 'God of Wuji' appears as a 'Rui Beast'. He gives human beings courage, self-esteem, rebirth and propagation.
With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance.
I used to feel doomed. I used to worry that I would grow up to be like my brother.
It would be wrong, however, to dismiss the whole of China's investment boom as a bubble that is doomed to burst.
But that's a far cry from saying that some people are just genetically doomed to be lackluster and others are destined to be brilliant.
Although Harrison, too, soon began writing songs they were always doomed to be eclipsed by Lennon and McCartney's torrential output.
But that does not mean that more effective checks on the mentally unstable are impossible, or that restrictions on the killing power of what can be sold are doomed to failure.
Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.
But until he unpacked his own baggage, he couldn't be happy anywhere he went. Until he sat still with himself, he was doomed to keep waiting for his happiness and his life to begin.
With half of all marriages doomed to fail, even the moderately hardheaded may be interested in ways of mitigating the danger.
Ah, I thought, there will be no saving him: he's doomed, and flies to his fate!
I realized from the start that if I attempted to be anything but those things to my business, the long-term success of the business was doomed.
But Canadians may be doomed to vote again, if not this autumn then next year.
Too many "I must be liked" yes men, and your business could be doomed to mediocrity.
If the race continues over the next three weeks to be a conventional one, McCain is doomed.
Things might be going better than you think, but because you have set yourself up to focus on the negative, your work situation seems hopeless and doomed.
This approach obviously oversimplifies the grandeur of language, and is doomed to be an incomplete theoretical model.
The question was how badly damaged the mothers bodies would be if they carried their doomed babies to term, and whether doing so could render them unable to bear other children.
Discernment Situations. The contem porary world appears so biased against metaphysics that any attempt to find philosophical equivalents for God may well be doomed to failure.
Now I am wandering around this deserted world and my life is doomed to be lonely. My miserably feelings will never be touched by anyone else.
Spotting a doomed bank, it seems, may only be possible once it is going to hell.
When you meet the wrong one at the wrong time, you are doomed to be ridiculous.
When you meet the right person at the right time, you are doomed to be happy.
When you meet the right person at the right time, you are doomed to be happy.