Presumably, the more often it wanders from home, the more it's likely to be exposed to predators.
You can't afford to be exposed to the negativity of others.
It turned out that you needed to be exposed to the relevant stimuli.
People don't want to be exposed to something they don't have a choice about.
But they are so persistent that people are likely to be exposed to them for years.
Children born to younger, poorer mothers were more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke.
Most people in the world are non-smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people's smoke.
The Invoicing capability shows that two operations need to be exposed to calculate invoice total.
The skin has to be exposed to the cream for long periods of time to allow the cream to do its work.
It's also unclear how long people need to be exposed to cold in order to boost their heat generation.
Chelation therapy in children who continue to be exposed to lead is ineffective and may exacerbate toxicity.
Her health was such that she wound not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.
We believe that it is essential for engineers to be exposed to the information directly and make their own judgments.
For the device to work, it first needs to be exposed to exhaust. In his demo, Sharma uses the flame of a candle.
Prevention works but has to be focused on the needs of those most likely to be exposed to HIV, and it must be sustained.
Only those services that have to be exposed to the consumers of a provider need have a service proxy or a request handler.
They praise her courage for being a model, because they usually consider themselves "too weird to be exposed to the lens."
This is particularly important for SCA services that need to be exposed to external clients, such as those written in .NET.
In order for an MBean to be exposed to a JMX client, it must be registered with an MBean server running inside of a JMX agent.
Think about your own consumer behavior-how many times do you need to be exposed to a marketing message before you take action?
It's important to be exposed to many different areas every day. However, you shouldn't try to study too many different subjects.
In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects.
In addition, some of these applications need to be exposed to the outside world so that various business partners can interact with them.
These regional variations are likely to be due in part to differences in eating habits, causing people to be exposed to different allergens.
As mentioned earlier, access points belong to a cell's access point group and define which interfaces are going to be exposed to other cells.
Officials stressed that the simulation is based on an unlikely scenario of a person staying outside the entire time to be exposed to radioactive.
Officials stressed that the simulation is based on an unlikely scenario of a person staying outside the entire time to be exposed to radioactive.