Love doesn't require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving.
Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving.
But we cannot escape the fact that our Savior is speaking about the need to be forgiving.
One way that I can show him my gratitude is to be forgiving toward others as he has forgiven me.
Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.
But if that stranger instead takes a swing with his fist-successfully or not-most people are unlikely to be so forgiving.
I think it's sad; we should be more forgiving as a nation and accept that Charles is a far wiser head than a boy of 25 who still has much to learn and do.
I wish you all the ability to find peace in the New Year and I hope part of that process will be forgiving for good.
Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving.
Question yourself: If you are feeling irritable, weepy, angry, easily upset or having other behavioural issues, it may be because you need to seek God about forgiving another or yourself.
Even if some of the questioned politicians persuade state electoral courts to register their candidacies, the voters may be less forgiving.
No matter what's going on, you can choose whether to be angry or calm, resentful or forgiving-it's all up to you.
Ironically, "nice girls" may be the only females who tolerate the dark triad male personality, forgiving these naughty boys and inadvertently giving them yet another chance to misbehave.
My hope is that you'll take time to reflect on whether you could be healthier by forgiving someone who has hurt you or by receiving the forgiveness that God has for you.
Forgiving is hard when you are hurt repeatedly. Forgiving is hard when the other person does not seem to be sorry.
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
My exception to the dedicated server rule is when the cluster is so small and the applications are forgiving enough that problems can be resolved by wiping the cluster out and starting over.
Many who have tried, come to the uncomfortable realization that self forgiveness can be as or sometimes even more challenging than forgiving another person.
Forgiving was more for me to make a better life and not so much to absolve the other person of what I perceived to be their wrongdoing.
Perhaps no other exercise can be as beneficial to our health as forgiving someone who has hurt us by their actions or by what they have said to us.
Scorpio is not the forgiving type and any infidelity will never be forgotten by this sign, and any taking back after this happens will be to get revenge on Libra for his/her act.
History may be forgiving to losers, but the manner of their exits can still undo them.
With that regained freedom you will be able to start accepting and forgiving yourself, and then extend that acceptance and forgiveness to others.
That number is based on desktop applications, and I think the Web has trained us to be a bit more forgiving.
Angels also tend to be collaborative, forgiving, and flexible, and like advisers, they provide guidance, adding value beyond the cash.
Angels also tend to be collaborative, forgiving, and flexible, and like advisers, they provide guidance, adding value beyond the cash.