To be fair, if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic seniors, he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community.
If something wrong is found upstream, or if we stop building the product, the scrap will be higher due to the in-process inventory.
There's work to be done, but workers aren't ready to do it—they're in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills.
The people can be wrong in an assortment of ways: lazy, spiteful, bullying or just dull and too depressed themselves to spread much cheer.
For protection, of course. If something goes wrong on the project, you will be able to point out in the contract exactly what you are accountable for.
In this case, developers often assume that the EJBs do not need to be secured since they are not "user-accessible" in their application design, but this assumption is dangerously wrong.
This is usually the right thing to do for the users, but if you want to be more strict about wrong options you can enable the PEDANTIC option explained in the manual.
The tree remains, but the turbine had been put up in the wrong place and had to be removed.
Although there may be other factors involved the subject is urged to simply view the situation in terms of clear-cut right and wrong.
The young editor bravely ran national campaigns in his regional paper when he believed there was a wrong to be righted.
But it would be wrong to conclude from the woes of American newspapers that newspapers and news are in crisis everywhere.
So if the argument's going to be, "We need to posit the existence of a soul in order to explain creativity," Again, that just seems wrong.
But we need to be careful here - the analysis is wrong in many different ways.
It would be wrong to purposely deprive people of an essential nutrient in order to study the effects.
When you have such an event in prospect, the naysayer who argues that you are over-reacting is more likely to be right than wrong.
If a program is fed the wrong material - divergent in type or form - the result is likely to be unpredictable, even catastrophic.
Of course, there are cases where something out of the owner's control has gone terribly wrong, but I have found those instances to be in the minority.
Given the gearing in the businesses, things only need to go slightly wrong for there to be a big problem.
Optimists, in comparison to pessimists, were more likely to avoid fatal accidents, fatalities that can be described as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Most men get enough carbs in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong kind, experts say.
For a species to recover fully, it must be able to survive and reproduce in the wild, and this is where things are going wrong.
For the Freudians in the group, though, we’d both be wrong. Incredibly, they thought the dream would be the greatest motivator to cancel the flight, even more so than an actual, real-life crash.
It will take far longer to sort out a backlog of cancelled flights; to move planes and crew in the wrong places to where they should be; and to return supply chains to normal.
It would be wrong to see a symbol in it and to think that the work of art can be considered at last as a refuge for the absurd.
I shall give an instance in things of a very frivolous nature, because in them the judgments of mankind are less apt to be perverted by wrong systems.
If the model that was used to make the extrapolation is wrong in some way, then the result could be a false positive.
You might conclude from all this that free trade has little to offer the world's poor, especially in Africa. That would be wrong.
You might conclude from all this that free trade has little to offer the world's poor, especially in Africa. That would be wrong.