Those turn out to be a canopied complex of grassy backyards, complete with porches, children, swings, a garden, and a water pump operated by-no joke-a man on a StairMaster.
When you tell a joke on a brightly lit stage in front of a crowd of people who have paid a bunch of money to laugh, and no one laughs, it can be horrifying.
The "Zwitch to Zoho" name might be cheesy marketing, but the cheaper subscription price is no joke.
"Zwitch toZoho"这个名字的营销味道很浓,但低廉的价格可不是闹着玩儿的。
But it is necessary to plan as thoroughly as the objective conditions permit, for it should be understood that fighting the enemy is no joke.
It's no joke; once we had it, there'd be no reason to have anything else.
I hate to say this, but, let face it, psoriasis is a disease with no cure for now, and I would bet that even in 100 years, there would be no cure. Modern medicine is really a joke.
I hate to say this, but, let face it, psoriasis is a disease with no cure for now, and I would bet that even in 100 years, there would be no cure. Modern medicine is really a joke.