Under the stress of competition, steamer was added to steamer, loss piled on loss, while the income dwindled till it ceased to be worth while to print tickets.
Under the stress of competition steamer was added to steamer, loss piled on loss, while the income dwindled till it ceased to be worth while to print tickets.
It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed.
However, while money can be an important way of letting employees know their worth to the organization, it tends not to be a sustaining motivational factor to most individuals.
Even though this new specification is not finalized, it could be worth your while to get familiar with it now.
Mars was only valued at? 10,000, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny.
Mars was only valued at? 10, 000, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny.
It is worth mentioning, because while it appears to be a trivial thing, I have seen much conjecture and debate over the topic.
While it may be one of the most difficult apps to set up, it's well worth it.
While it may be easiest to stay with platforms with which staff members are familiar, growth may be worth the effort.
While free range organic food may be hard to come by in some areas, it is worth checking – if restaurants recognise a demand for cruelty-free food they may stock it in future.
While you're unlikely to get too many bites without a good track record as a writer, it's certainly easy enough to be worth the effort, and your wallet will be pleased.
While a major re-evaluation of life choices can be unsettling , it seems to be worth it in the end, the British Psychological Society's annual conference heard.
But the fact is, while it is comforting to be financially secure, money is no measure of self-worth, no guarantee of happiness -- and no reason to be impressed.
While it can be intimidating to consider investing the time and money required to get a bachelor's degree, choosing the right degree could make it well worth your effort.
While Hansen is still a top-flight climatologist—very much worth listening to even at his most heretical—his recent foray into politics leaves a lot to be desired.
And products like soy protein bars have too much added sugar and fat to be worth your while.
How could it possibly be worth Mattel's while to make Barbie in Indonesia when its factories turn her out by the million in China?
VOICE: There had to be a more worth-while goal in life, a target worth aiming at.
Subtle oil and gas pools related to turbidity deposit will be a target worth while for future exploration in Songliao basin.
The results of practical computation show that this method is a precise method in land area computation and is worth-while to be practised.
While more than a few such propositions do not deserve to be taken into consideration, some are definitely worth it.
I think it will be worth while to print these 5 works into a booklet for free distribution.
We've got three weeks left to complete six weeks worth of work. Looks like we'll be living on take-out for a while.
Mars was only valued at 10,000 pounds, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny.
Late papers will be penalized on a steep sliding scale that makes it worth your while to submit the paper on time rather than trying to wait a week to improve it.
I think if you do use it you should really consider that you will have to put up with side effects for a while and that it will be worth it.
Charles Chaplin wasn't deterred by poverty or fate while worked hard to climb the peak of the art, which is worth to be learn from.
This is probably because candies are to be eaten with the mouth and not worth keeping as knickknacks while books can be bought without being read and just left on a shelf.
The gentleman of the house told me, "if I delighted in flowers, it would be worth my while; for that he believed he could show me such a blow of tulips as was not to be matched in the whole county."