Recently, the market sells opium flames of war to begin again concentrated.
Instead, he waited a moment, closed his eyes then signaled the conductor to begin again.
Instead, he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again.
In his inaugural speech, he promised to begin again what he called, the work of remaking America.
They understand that we're all learning, so they patiently encourage you to begin again, and again, and again.
他们明白我们都在学习阶段,所以会耐心地鼓励你一遍一遍地重新开始。 槅。
From Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motors: "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
In today's fast paced, high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often collapse at day's end in front of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning.
But in fact, if you question any candid person who is no longer young, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he has no wish to begin again as a 'new boy' in another.
The phosphorus at the bottom of the ocean has to somehow make its way back to the surface, to complete the cycle, to begin the cycle all over again.
He was tortured constantly. Only when he was allowed to mingle with other prisoners again did he begin to overcome his despair.
I asked her, reclining in the plastic chair with my eyes open, waiting for the enchantment to begin, once again.
The small apes begin calling out to one another every morning at dawn and again throughout the day whenever they switch locations, get a lot of visitors or just feel like hollering.
Meanwhile, the bank of Japan will start paying interest on Banks' surplus reserves-in effect, allowing quantitative easing to begin before interest rates are again at zero.
同时,日本银行即将为各银行支付盈余公积(surplus reserves)利息——实际是为了赶在利率再次降至零点之前启动量化宽松政策。
It was only once I set goals for myself again - realistic goals - that I was able to begin my escape from debt hell.
Your ego asks for more, and you begin your blind pursuit of something you think you’re missing, putting your happiness off once again to please your ego.
And all test assets have again been checked out for testers to begin working again.
Everything disappears, but again and again the lights flash on, the fete is endless, and any minute now the angels will begin to sing.
Not until 2003 did minerals begin to boom again, though by then Australia had escaped both the Asian crisis and the recession that hit America in 2001.
If so, obviously you can begin this whole investigation again with that person or company's name, if you need to dig deeper.
So once again, just as I do every day, I begin to read the notebook aloud, so that she can hear it, in the hope that the miracle that has come to dominate my life will once again prevail.
However, I want you to really begin to think along these lines — all your code does is shuttle data between two endpoints, over and over again.
It appears now that the cycle has come around again as a new crop of portal developers begin to build new projects.
Re-start cluster member, enabling it to begin processing application requests again but executing the new Version of the application.
More frequent naps seems like it would also help during the recovery period once you begin to experience REM sleep again.
When the dune dries in a day or so the wind will begin to reshape it once again.
Find the voice again and listen, allow it to stir you up again, and then begin to move in the direction it calls.
Not until the 19th century did the city again begin to come alive and reemerge from behind its walls.
Not until the 19th century did the city again begin to come alive and reemerge from behind its walls.