Some people think one has to bite the bullet when he or she decides to marry.
When this happens, it’s best to bite the bullet and drop or delay a project or two.
Somehow it had taken us ten years to bite the bullet on that one, which had never earned us a dime.
Even if in front of the wind waves, we also want to bite the bullet, big step forward, because we have the youth.
New Orleans is set to be over the luxury tax, and might have to bite the bullet and deal away some big contracts.
Profits were poor last year, so this year every department will have to bite the bullet and accept smaller budgets.
It's time to bite the bullet and just go for it. Start that new hobby you've always thought about (skydiving anyone?)
Sometimes, the pursuit of greater success, had to bite the bullet and make a small sacrifice, suffered a small loss.
Wen Yujie sometimes has to bite the bullet and undertake jobs she doesn't like, low pay and picky clients in order to "return a favor".
Many economists argue that China still needs to bite the bullet and let the yuan appreciate so its economy depends less on exports and more on domestic demand.
In contrast to some rivals, such as Lehman’s Dick Fuld, he seemed prepared to bite the bullet, selling toxic assets at a steep discount and marking down those he kept.
We do a lot of things in our life that help contribute to being the person we want to be, however sometimes we need to step back, bite the bullet and re-evaluate.
Stop over-analyzing things. - There comes a time when you have to stop evaluating something and just bite the bullet and do it.
"I know I'll have to bite on the bullet. But nothing can prevent me from solving the problems, " said Mr. Collins at the meeting.
Black sheep is always belong to us, we must clear my aims and direction, bite the bullet.
Black sheep is always belong to us, we must clear my aims and direction, bite the bullet.