Professor McGonagall: Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight.
Yet somewhere under this cover, these conflicts and demands continue, grow, and multiply, only to burst forth when the moment arrives when the cover can no longer hold them down.
Every scene - every frame - comes tainted with the nagging, lingering whiff of deja vu; a sense that there is an altogether better movie nestled deep inside, waiting to burst forth.
Moments later, as his spirit left him, quote: “the sun burst forth and shone directly on him with that brilliancy which he loved to gaze on, and transferred to his paintings.
Marius felt no desire to retreat; he turned towards Enjolras, and his voice burst forth with a vibration which came from a quiver of his very being.
Bright flowers burst forth from the damp earth and turn their colorful faces to the sky.
Three years later, a sequelae attack of car accident injury burst forth on him. He was sent to hospital and diagnosed sore festering as well blood gushing in his internal organs.
Moments later, as his spirit left him, quote: "the sun burst forth and shone directly on him with that brilliancy which he loved to gaze on, and transferred to his paintings."
It permeated the trees and the stones, sank to the depths of the Wells, and burst forth with the flowers.
I told myself love had gone away, but why did the scalding water burst forth from my eyes when you turned to live?
And then looking at the child again, this burst forth from him suddenly as though he had just thought of it, "We shall have to buy a good basketful of eggs and dye them all red for the village."
And then looking at the child again, this burst forth from him suddenly as though he had just thought of it, "We shall have to buy a good basketful of eggs and dye them all red for the village."