Assuming the program could guess a different random sequence at the rate of 100 per second, it would take an average of 12 years to chance upon your chosen password.
In Nepal, I happened to chance upon trees full of bougainvillea flowers raining down in the slightest quivering of the winds. I just could not bear to step on them.
He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself, but smashed blow in upon blow till the house rose to its feet and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause.
This consciousness upon which he had intruded was the single opportunity of existence ever vouchsafed to Tess by an unsympathetic First Cause - her all; her every and only chance.
I was all gladness to 'chance' upon the sutra that changed my life.
Philosophical certainties could not be had, according to Xenophanes, for even if we chance to hit upon the truth, there is no way of knowing for certain that things are as we think they are.
Recently, I stumbled upon an online book club of fellow food bloggers and jumped at the chance to join them.
This procedure is based upon computing a t statistic and using a probability function to find the probability of observing a value that large by chance.
When I daily face the terror of the void staring at me face to face it is my chance to push back and assert my will and imprint my soul upon this malleable world.
Deep in the woods, he came upon Matthew. After hearing his story, Frederick grinned and said, “If you appeal to the king, I’ll tell him you spun a false tale to gain another chance.”
For ordinary people, the ceremony gives them a chance to see Buddhist culture, to touch upon Buddhist belief, and feel the power of Buddhism.
Upon joining us, we will provide a series of quantitative finance training and seminars to offer you a chance to learn the fundamentals of quantitative finance and stock price movement prediction.
The leadership story is a chance for students to reflect upon who we are, what we have learned, and what we will face in the future.
And to-day when by chance I light upon them and see thy signature, I find they have lain scattered in the dust mixed with the memory of joys and sorrows of my trivial days forgotten.
However it is non official and will be known to people who chance upon it (for now).
Upon joining us, we will provide a series ofquantitative finance training and seminars to offer you a chance to learn thefundamentals of quantitative finance and stock price movement prediction.
Before the end of my journey may i reach within myself the one which is the all, leaving the outer shell to float away with the drifting multitude upon the current of chance and change.
Some may see that as a daunting prospect, but the Arsenal striker looks upon it as merely a chance to catch up on all that he has missed.
You know I been thinking, I think we should start over, Give this brother thing another chance , We used to do it oh, so well once upon a time.
The organizing committee will take relevant arrangement upon condition but can't ensure every applicant have the chance to make a speech.
On an armor equipped target, this spell gives a chance to recover 1 AP upon every attack received!
There will still be left upon it a glimmering spark of life, and there will be a chance to kindle a new fire on some distant star.
Frank Lampard has called upon his team-mates to leave little to chance for the Carling Cup second-leg by coming away from Wycombe tonight with a score advantage.
Frank Lampard has called upon his team-mates to leave little to chance for the Carling Cup second-leg by coming away from Wycombe tonight with a score advantage.