Hopelessness threatened to engulf him.
Use the tornado to engulf houses, buildings, and even power plants!
It stayed calmly by my side, as the storm continued to engulf me in all its fury.
When it does, the sun will expand to engulf the inner planets and possibly Earth.
The GRS is actually a massive anti-cyclonic vortex large enough to engulf several Earths.
Someday the euro debt crisis that started in Greece and spread to engulf Europe will be over.
Listeria bacteria, for example, enter macrophage cells by luring these cells to engulf them.
They swarm to the injury to engulf and destroy bacteria with toxic molecules and biochemicals.
FEW people would put much money on the idea that peace is about to engulf Israel and Palestine.
If you can opt out of the fear that seems to engulf offices on the edge, why wouldn't you want to ?
The Cave of Swallows in Mexico is a 400m vertical shaft, deep enough to engulf the Empire State Building.
Whilst there will still be incidents that cause damage and loss of life, it will not be allowed to engulf you.
Two of its members, Greece and Ireland, are in the IMF’s intensive-care ward. The crisis threatens to engulf several others.
Once I had stood before the Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City, hat in my hands, waiting for the realization to engulf me.
When the Greek debt crisis threatened to engulf Iberia in May, Spain went in for the kill, slashing spending and freezing pensions.
Its launch is an attempt to stem the tide of plastic wrappers, tubs, trays and bottles that threatens to engulf landfill sites in the UK.
Property prices in the US have already dropped by almost a third from their peak, as the crisis spread from lower-paid sub-prime borrowers to engulf the entire housing market.
They should then regularly pray over the list, asking God to engulf these individuals with shame so that they will repent, and to bring divine judgment on them if they do not repent.
What gradually descending darkness, the sky overcast and it seems to engulf the land, at this time, the remote paradise, the moon looks of the people before their own self-confidence displayed.
夜幕渐渐降一下来,阴沉沉 的天空似乎要吞没大地,这时,远处 的天国、月亮 婀娜多姿,在人们面前自信地展示自己。
For example, in the presence of bacterial food, the ancient ancestors turned on the expression of genes that allowed them to crawl around and engulf their prey.
But if a crisis does engulf the world, that may be a leap some are willing to make.
Together with our friends and Allies, we will work to shape change, lest it engulf us.
The tumor cells engulf and destroy the minicells, a standard defense against bacteria, and in doing so are exposed to whatever cargo the minicells carry.
Together with our friends and Allies, we will work to shape change, lest it engulf us.
The world suddenly freezes in time, leaving Yuji to watch in horror as blue flames engulf the people around him.
It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.
It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.