England has seemed a nation almost at war. The unrest is a blow to the police, caught flat-footed and unable to ensure order.
Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive.
In order to ensure that elite women have more such opportunities, they have proposed imposing government quotas.
In order to ensure our kids get the sleep they need, both parents and schools should make an effort.
Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants.
Strengthening African markets and institutions in order to ensure growth will be essential to protecting countries in the current environment.
For example, the Supplier service USES the Warehouse service to ensure that an order can be fulfilled.
All of these decisions by the portfolio manager must be configured and included within the PM repository, in order to ensure correct monitoring and tracking.
These risks convince me that in order to ensure binary integrity, I must compile and package once so that I can deploy to many environments.
The instructions and procedures given should be verified on a demo project in order to ensure that the final system fulfils your expectations.
So, in order to ensure that what they hear really is a neutrino, physicists need to know what other noises fill the undersea void.
In this scenario, a customer wants to validate incoming shipments to ensure it matches the order placed with the supplier.
In short, these are the material factors that any State must provide to its people in order to ensure their happiness.
Architects typically reuse patterns identified from external sources, and also define their own patterns to be used on the project, in order to ensure some level of architectural consistency.
For example, you may need to consider metering, availability, and response time of services you deploy in order to ensure that they are within the promised range.
Within the portfolio management domain, authority is granted in order to ensure that proposed initiatives are approved in the best interests of the business and its goals.
A fully qualified interface name is used as an additional search parameter in order to ensure that a reference to service implement an interface, required by a consumer 1.
Countries backing the SPV have agreed to guarantee 120% of its total borrowings in order to ensure the fund gets an AAA credit rating.
Understanding those reasons should help professionals accelerate, not delay, the changes they need to make in order to ensure more successful projects.
It helpfully informs children when they should die in order to ensure they do not use more than their "fair share" of the planet.
I examined this issue two years ago, and I support repeating the mistake in order to ensure people understand the nature of the error.
When developing large and complex applications using an enterprise-class infrastructure, great discipline, care, and planning is required in order to ensure the greatest likelihood of success.
To this end, special effects simulation tools, while physically based, must be able to be dynamically controlled in an intuitive manner in order to ensure believability and the quality of the effect.
These attributes were mapped to source system logical data models in order to ensure that attributes were available in the source systems that were to feed the data warehouse.
You have to sell your ideas and get buy-in from the people who will have to carry them out, in order to ensure that they don't deviate from the course you've established.
Realm membership is validated during authentication in order to ensure that a virtual portal can only be accessed by members of the corresponding realm.
In order to ensure interoperability, the OMG must define GIOP on top of a specific transport that will be supported by all vendors.
为了确保互操作性,OM G必须将GIOP定义在所有供应商都支持的特定传输之上。
This limitation is imposed in order to ensure that references and objects may be matched unambiguously.
This limitation is imposed in order to ensure that references and objects may be matched unambiguously.