Not to equate German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.
It would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research.
We tend to equate jealousy with pettiness and selfishness.
I don't know about you, but I'm struggling to equate this with progress.
It is hard to equate that directly to the loss of certain abilities for the warrior.
Persistent delay is usually the result of a failure to use price to equate demand and supply.
We tend to equate bravery and courage with being fearless, but this is both unhelpful and inaccurate.
The flawed arithmetic of disaster response tends to equate need for aid with the immediate death toll.
"We really don't know how to equate differences in genome sequences with the species concept," he said.
It's unilateral to equate CRM with CRM software or equate CRM software with marketing analysis system.
They have taken measures to equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives.
他们采取措施使高级文职人员的工资和企业管理 干部的工资相等。
Yet, it is impossible to equate Tolstoy's ideas with Lao-tzu's, considering their different growing environments.
They and smaller groups have started advertising campaigns that try to equate vegetarianism with curbing greenhouse gases.
A statement by foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) even seemed to equate the recognition of Israel with that of Palestine.
However, I do question the tendency to equate long hours in the classroom and rigorous testing with a well-rounded, complete education.
If it is a mistake to equate poverty and dependency, it is equally mistaken to believe the poor will lift themselves up by their bootstraps.
The comparison between Cuba and Iraq is fanciful, and not only because it is preposterous to equate Roosevelt with either George Bush or Mr Cheney.
First andforemost, there is a natural tendency to equate doing good deedswith a certain amount of reward, and reward with a certain amountof money.
首先,人们常常自然而然地把做好事等同于一定的回报,又把回报等同于一定的 金钱。
To lose sight of paired magnetic dipole brim and to equate bound current element, making certain direction and magnitude of a force upon it by Ampere Law.
First and foremost, there is a natural tendency to equate doing good deeds with a certain amount of pecuniary reward, and reward with a certain sum of money.
For instance, he Yuzhang says peers in his hometown are prone to equate happiness with material wealth such as housing, but care little about a new book or theater play.
For instance, he Yuzhang says peers in his hometown are prone to equate happiness with material wealth such as house property, but care little about a new book or theater play.
There always exist two inclinations in Chinese translation criticism: to equate translation criticism with error analysis, listing the "unfaithfulness" to the original rigidly;
The Cappadocia region in eastern Turkey has a difficult challenge — to survive and flourish, it must merge ancient history with modern luxuries and persuade tourists to equate caves with comfort.
Yet absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence.
Automated activities equate to steps within the use cases in the higher layers, though there may be exceptions to this (described later).
Unfortunately for lovers, the quantities of resveratrol used in the study would equate to drinking ‘crates' of the stuff.
Unfortunately for lovers, the quantities of resveratrol used in the study would equate to drinking ‘crates' of the stuff.