We try to make sure children don't feel intimidated on their first day at school.
Most of us feel intimidated when it comes to money, but the truth is we were never given a proper education about it.
Either there are fewer men of higher education for them to marry, or lower-income men feel intimidated by their earning power (as well as their brain power).
My goal is to encourage women of all shapes, attitudes, and sizes to discover the wonders of yoga, but this won't happen if they feel intimidated and yoga can be intimidating.
She said those being treated can 'feel intimidated about complaining', or fail to raise issues regarding unpleasant side effects of treatment, which could prove vitally important.
If you've done a lot of walking, but you've never run before, you might feel a bit intimidated to get out there and start running.
You need to know what happens after this point. Many books advise asking for the job now, but most people may feel too intimidated to bluntly do so.
You need to know what happens after this point. Many books advise asking for the job now, but most people may feel too intimidated to bluntly do so.