This was not the time, they concluded, to fiddle with the yuan.
It probably is best not to fiddle with switches or controls when riding in the back seat of an air force plane.
But if the Fed wants to surprise the markets again, a more radical idea would be to fiddle with its own mandate.
You don't need to know where the codec is, you don't need to fiddle with the details, PackageKit does it all for you.
Yet most phones in America and Europe still require consumers to fiddle with installation, putting off many potential users.
The barber or cop may not be familiar enough with code to contribute, but programmers sure know how to fiddle with their tools.
No longer will you have to fiddle with the complex test scripts that need high maintenance, most often using only semi-automated test tools.
He undertook to teach the dog better manners, punishing him if he barked before some stranger actually started to fiddle with the front door.
Unable to go back to doing real business, to producing goods and supplying services, they began to fiddle with the monetary and banking systems.
You get home from a trip and transfer photos from your camera to your computer without having to fiddle with memory cards or rubber-covered USB ports.
One of its practices is to fiddle with natural kinds–breeding intermediate species of plants and animals. Would Bacon's contemporaries have regarded this as ethical?
The University College London researchers are not sure why this is but say it is possible that we feel upset that are unable to control the urge to fiddle with our phone.
It's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle, and passed a baton to his son, so that his son could fulfill his dreams.
But it's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle and passed a baton to his son so that his son could fulfill his dreams.
If you must massage the code into place. If you must fiddle with some aspect in order to please the customer.
The salesperson will wince, maybe talk to the manager, fiddle with Numbers and eventually come back with a price that probably isn't a very good deal for you.
They fear being bilked by a cabal of clever boffins, who can insidiously fiddle with the system's software to take advantage of less geeky types.
In terms of security, delegates can only view your inbox and respond to messages on your behalf; they can't access gChat, change your password, or fiddle with other account settings.
And, at the age of two, quite content to "durdle" away to herself or fiddle with a bunch of keys, Yvette was as happy as any toddler I had ever seen.
Yes, you probably could fiddle around with seeking and writing directly on disk, but what if something caused the file to change on disk while you were doing that?
I did have to fiddle around with my set-up.
If you fiddle with frequent hand hair, would give rise to the feeling of not being respected.
This was the root of his rift with Shaq: the big guy thought the summer was for eating and the regular season was for getting in shape, and Bryant just couldn't play second fiddle to a guy like that.
So, some of the fiddle players, you know sometimes stay with kind of concentration on all of these, all of the things that really take to make a violin sound good.
You can make a choice as to what you wish to ride and consequently you can fiddle with the axis to give preferred shape.
A one-eyed farmer leaned against the side of a house, raised a flute to his lips and piped a note, then a man with a fiddle joined him, and finally a small boy with a pair of cymbals.
A one-eyed farmer leaned against the side of a house, raised a flute to his lips and piped a note, then a man with a fiddle joined him, and finally a small boy with a pair of cymbals.