The ability to flow over, build and adhere to the sharp corners, angles and edges of components.
The crushed ore leaving the mill was allowed to flow over an inclined copper plate covered with a thin layer of mercury.
The leading edge portion includes a plurality of staggered holes for causing fluid to flow over a surface of the airfoil portion.
The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on.
If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.
A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the pressure of snow accumulated over the years to transform buried snow into glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow.
Over a channel an event can flow from one component — the producer — to another one — the consumer.
After detailing the first of the nine flows, we can immediately turn them over to the design team, and spend time with them to see how well the single flow guides their work.
This pattern uses a message flow shown below in Figure 19, which receives data over TCP/IP, parses it using a WebSphere TX node, and writes it to a WebSphere MQ queue.
该模式采用图19所示的消息流,通过TCP/IP接收数据,使用WebSphereTX节点进行解析,然后将数据写入到 WebSphereMQ 队列。
Over the next 50 million years this co-evolution of flora and flow led to the meandering rivers we know today, and a barren landscape made lush.
But the frame of the aircraft itself is to blame for the other half: the bumpy air flow over the undercarriage and the slots and flaps of the wings creates the rest of the racket.
On top of this, you can also construct handler chains to further increase control over message flow and content.
Value is expressed as a price and is measured by the revenues that flow to the producer and consumers of the software over its lifecycle.
This series of tips articles introduces you to the wealth of software and the ease of control over data flow that you can gain by using these standard GNU text utilities.
A year ago, wrangling over the price of gas sold by Russia to Ukraine briefly diminished the flow of gas through Ukraine to Europe.
These features give business users far greater control over the process flow, enabling the process to be adaptable instead of rigid.
This gives the client a high degree of control over the service result and lets him optimize data flow to his own specifications.
Or you can have a pebble bed reactor which is a continuous flow of pebbles that go in and out of the reactor over time to make up the excess activity.
At those moments, our bodies actually take over and increase blood flow so that we have greater visual acuity, increased mental capacity and more oxygen and fuel for our muscles to use.
If text and design elements are all over the place it becomes very hard to read and your page won't flow nicely.
Over time, the buildup of plaque deposits can rupture and cause total blockage of the blood flow to the heart.
If, however, you believe anything is possible with the proper focus and energy, and you believe in magic, magic will flow over, under, around and through to find you.
With tighter control over the precise syntax of the WSDL being provided to the flow, the scenario's complexity could be significantly reduced.
Another found that when study participants over 50 drank flavanol-rich cocoa for several weeks, blood flow to their brains increased significantly.
While new measures must be phased in over time so as not to interfere with the flow of credit, establishing those rules now can be an important source of certainty and confidence.
There has been a substantial anecdotal flow over the last six to eight weeks of things that felt a little bit better.
There has been a substantial anecdotal flow over the last six to eight weeks of things that felt a little bit better.