The solution is to globalize major Australian corporations.
For your application UI, you also need to globalize these UI elements.
You need to use different approaches to globalize different UI elements.
需要使用各种不同的方法把不同的UI 元素全球化。
Mr. Della Valle is looking to globalize the reach of Hogan, founded in 1988.
For Korean brands, a key mantra has been to globalize their corporate identity.
Learn how to globalize the UI for an RCP application using a Hello World sample.
通过使用Hello World样例,学习如何全球化一个RCP应用程序的UI。
Shows how to globalize dates and Numbers in client script, based on browser Settings.
Add the code to login.jsp to globalize the text of the two labels and the caption of the Submit button. login.jsp.
将代码添加到login . jsp使得两个标签上的文本以及Submit按钮的文字说明能够全球化。
We introduce how to globalize Lotus Notes applications and the best practice for each phase of the process in the sections that follow.
As Toyota proceeded to globalize, in the late 1990's it established a greater European manufacturing presence and a European headquarters.
While some Japanese companies have publicly said they will hire more foreigners in a bid to globalize their work forces, they remain a minority.
Every team, company and project will have different reasons to want to globalize their production model. Some of the reasons to consider globalizing your production pipeline include.
Mergers and acquisitions are increasingly seen by firms as a relatively fast and efficient way to expand into new markets, to acquire new competences, to create economies of scale and to globalize.
One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to "globalize."
With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.
The challenge is to scale up and globalize these effective prevention strategies by encouraging and supporting countries and communities.
That should be enough to convince you to use this Globalize plugin instead of any other homemade plugin you may have tried.
If you use JSP or PHP, feel free to take this code and paste it into your own code if you plan to use the Globalize plugin.
Unfortunately, this is not possible in the Globalize plugin formatting right now, without writing your own Culture object to do so.
Formatting is not just limited to Numbers with the Globalize plugin.
The first step is to download the Globalize plugin itself (see Resources).
In this case, the code shows how to pass through the method parameters to the _ method (yes, the method is actually named "_") provided by the Globalize plugin (see Resources for a link).
Finally, we want to call Globalize.culture with the users' preferred language, so that the Globalize plugin knows how to format everything.
最后,我们要用用户偏好的语言调用Globalize . culture,以便Globalize插件知晓该如何进行格式化。
As a result of globalize, mobile phone was invented by the western countries at first, it is designed according to the use habit and aesthetically of western users.
This experience can help me to compete with other people in this globalize competitive market in the future.
In order to increase competitiveness, individual nations will further deregulate and globalize the flow of manpower, resources, and information.
And they demand that large international enterprises globalize internally developed business applications to improve ease of use and adoption rates.
So, what the main reasons to make some university more successful than others? What is the key competitive advantage in today globalize world? The answer is employees.
So, what the main reasons to make some university more successful than others? What is the key competitive advantage in today globalize world? The answer is employees.