Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it.
Higher education isn't for everyone, and people have a variety of paths to choose from once they graduate from high school.
You are heading for a completely different world, now that you are about to graduate from high school.
Children with attention problems in early childhood were 40% less likely to graduate from high school, says a new study from Duke University.
Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives and get a job without really thinking about it.
When I graduate from junior high school, I hope to go something interesting.
To become a member of our volunteers, you must be the students who will graduate from junior middle school this year, and apply for it before June 23.
In another study homeowners' children were 25% more likely to graduate from high school and more than twice as likely to go to university.
She took classes, extra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go to university North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me.
Unlike most other developed countries, the US does not have national academic standards outlining what each student must learn to graduate from high school.
By the time you make it to a top graduate school, almost all your learning has come from people who are smarter and more experienced than you: parents, teachers, bosses.
A diploma from an elite school can look better to many recruiters and graduate schools, as well.
A little over four years ago, as I was preparing to graduate from high school, I was in the midst of making a life-altering decision.
"I'll be happy if you work in the restaurant after you graduate from high school," he had said to Hitoshi and his brother.
Up to a third of students with ADHD drop out of high school, and they're also less likely to attend and graduate from college.
Li, a high-school graduate from Henan Province, was not admitted to any university despite achieving a good score in the national university entrance exam.
Smart girls graduate from high school with straight A’s, go to college, and find themselves surrounded by guys who’ve been hacking for 10 years.
I feel like I'm in the same area and I've been here for almost eighteen years, which is a long time. My Japanese itself is just about ready to graduate from high school level.
"Our physician told us that if we wanted to see our kids graduate from high school, we had to do something," recalls Cheryl.
The trip left me with a very deep impression. Starting from next year, our school will open the course of Chinese mandarin at grade 6, but I'm about to graduate.
When they graduate from school, they will have gained some work experience, so they will have more opportunities to find a good job.
Once you graduate from school, you'll start to feel fierce rivalry as you compete for a good job.
Students need to check out by the date as noticed by the university, or within one week after they formally graduate, quit school or are dismissed from school.
When I begin to study in primary school, my cousin just graduate from Columbia University, which is in America.
Mort American parents will cut the cord and expect their children to be independent and make a living on their own when they graduate from high school.
By the time you "graduate" from Saturn's life lesson school, you will be ready to handle anything life throws your way.
By the time you "graduate" from Saturn's life lesson school, you will be ready to handle anything life throws your way.