After hearing the noise, Stolte pauses outside and walks back to the entrance of the guard room.
The dog's skeleton will now go on display at a museum along with the treasure - and will be positioned in a glass case at the entrance of the exhibit so it can continue to stand guard.
Masked men wielding clubs guard the entrance to the Athens Polytechnic University, keeping watch over the graffiti-covered walls on campus.
So King Rehoboam made bronze shields to replace them and assigned these to the commanders of the guard on duty at the entrance to the royal palace.
6the night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.
But the soldiers who stood on guard dropped their halberts across the entrance, and said roughly to him, 'What is thy business in the city?'
The car turned left and hit the guard rails at 270 km/h at the entrance to the Indianapolis turn.
Does the front entrance to your factory premises and loading areas have security guard?
And at the entrance to the shops are two large tin soldiers standing guard named after her two brothers Alfie and George.
So they placed a large rock to seal the entrance to the tomb and had the soldiers guard it.
In addition to the entrance of a police standing guard outside, not from here and see other differences between the residential streets, but it is the world's highest rates of Chujing entrance.
The Venerable Master entered a hall, where two Dharma Masters stood guard at its entrance. A layperson in front of me tried to enter, but his way was blocked. However, I wasn't afraid;
Visitors are supposed to present I. Ds. at the entrance of the school and fill in a visitor's Form, which is to be signed by the host and returned to the entrance guard when the visitor leaves.
The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.
Entrance guard system, as well called access controller system, is the digital management apparatus to control the access of the personnel.
Entrance guard system, as well called access controller system, is the digital management apparatus to control the access of the personnel.