Instead, they have to rely for these key decisions on someone in their team — usually an architect or a lead developer.
Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new project — even if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on - whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
“We often remark on how healthy or unhealthy someone looks, but it can be very difficult to say precisely how we know this, ” said lead researcher Vinet Coetzee.
主要研究人员Vinet Coetzee说:“我们经常评论某人多么健康或多么不健康,但很难详细说出健康与不健康的界定。”
Heavy drinking can lead to terrible hangovers that can last for days on end when you have lupus, which is even less fun than a hangover for someone who doesn't have the disease.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on - whether its someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on -whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on -whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.