Also have individual to encounter unfortunately and to hope to these circumstances in life having one to make an explanation rationally.
I have also watched a lot of thing open anyway, not wanting to make an explanation because of that is very hypocritical, but silent has been not to represent knuckle under and tacitly approve that!
Where such bill is not put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session, the Chairman's Committee shall make a report to the Standing Committee session or give an explanation to the bill sponsor.
Give this some thought, and you know, PIVoT has an option that you can discuss problems with other students, so make use of this discussion button and see whether you can come to an explanation.
But while you'll often need to give an explanation for your blunder, you should never make excuses.
Part IV tries to, on the basis of the theory of interlanguage, make an analysis of the typical errors in the speech sounds of Wuhan Putonghua and the causes, and provide a reasonable explanation.
Regarding this question, this article attempts to make an economic explanation to this phenomenon from two aspects: the dissimilation of the economic growth aim and the institutional cost.
On the view of modern psychology, this paper will make an explanation to the cognitive structure of the "Eight Knowledge" in Buddhism Vijnanamatravada Philosophy.
Therefore, it is not an easy matter to rely on the ancient desiccated corpses by themselves to make a simple explanation of the complexity of these inhabitants' racial and ethnic affinities.
Giving up the means of your security in exchange for a feeling of security: This is a mistake so absurd to make that I have difficulty formulating an explanation.
Giving up the means of your security in exchange for a feeling of security: This is a mistake so absurd to make that I have difficulty formulating an explanation.