Since 1992, the primary industry of Hunan has been unable to make contribution to the growth of employment.
It is mandatory retirement that frustrates the elder staffs who still want to make contribution to the society.
Your company is one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world, so I hope to make contribution to the computer career.
This shows both the international community's strong confidence in China and China's sincere wish to make contribution to the international community.
We can't waste water, use to many plastic rice boxes, throw away rubbish and waste papers either. We should appeal to people to make contribution to the environment.
Drawing on a range of work in pragmatics, advertising and communication, this paper tends to make contribution to this particular communicative dimension of advertising language.
With the wide application of GPS locating, we need thoroughly research GPS positioning system, and do our best to make contribution to the positioning and navigation industry of our country.
The quality objectives can stir up the employees enthusiasm, encourage the employee to make contribution to general objectives of the enterprises, and improve product quality and work effect.
It suggests that we should pay equal attention to import and export, and increase import properly so as to mobilize the world advantageous resources to make contribution to Shanghai's economic growth.
On the contrary, compelling tourists to make a financial contribution to the places they visit beyond their personal consumption should be part of a wider cultural shift.
I'm very proud of China and I'd love to make a real contribution to the development of my country.
Plus, she adds, it's a matter of pride for these women to make a tangible contribution to their family and to the nation.
World blood donor Day is celebrated each year to highlight the contribution voluntary unpaid blood donors make to public health.
It's expected that you have an opinion, and there are multiple opportunities to really make a contribution to the company and to society.
It must be clear to every person, at all times, what she or he should do to make the most effective contribution to the business.
On your second question, China has taken note of relevant report and set store by other countries' wish to make greater contribution to safeguarding international peace and security.
We are glad that it has been possible to bring forward this project, which we expect will make a significant contribution to these efforts, with two companies from Jiangsu Province.
They need to ensure to the alliance that they have clear rights to make the contribution.
Mission and NGO hospitals make a valuable contribution to elective surgery, and externally funded surgeons make an important contribution to specialist surgery.
Although BT has some new products, such as Internet TV, these are unlikely to make a big contribution to profits, not least because its rivals, including Sky, have similar strategies.
The designers of XQuery took their responsibilities very seriously, not only in the interest of their individual companies but also in order to make a contribution to the industry as a whole.
Consider the effort your contribution to the betterment of humanity (or at least a chance to make a few conversions!).
But I think every organization and every meeting should try to make a direct contribution and that is what the SAARC leaders have pledged themselves to do together.
What strengths do I have that could be best used to make a meaningful contribution to the world?
Yet his most important contribution to medicine is not his surgical skill but his determination to make this huge industry more efficient by applying Henry Ford's management principles.
Yet his most important contribution to medicine is not his surgical skill but his determination to make this huge industry more efficient by applying Henry Ford's management principles.