The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon's Colonnade.
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, (Acts 2:46).
First of all, I would like to thank the members of organizing committee for arranging this event and it is a nice opportunity for all of us to meet together at the season of Spring Festival.
We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century alone—all of us have to take responsibility and work together.
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Together at home and abroad with a team of outstanding designers, creative fashion a simple style at the same time, "On-line" fashion line designed to meet the users personalized DIY fashion? Demand.
That afternoon, when Tingting takes me to meet her parents, at the house where she was born, mother and daughter stand as close together as they can, clasping each other's hands.
Mashup platforms enable nontechnical domain experts to wire applications together from reusable components to meet new or short-lived requirements.
Each employee agrees with the manager on the goals and together they develop a plan for how to meet the goals.
We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century alone -- all of us have to take responsibility and work together.
As I said earlier this week in New York, all nations have a responsibility to meet this challenge, and together, we have taken a substantial step forward in meeting that responsibility.
We should uphold the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" and work together to meet the global climate challenge.
To meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.
In these trying times, it is vital that we all work together to meet the troubles that lie ahead.
Together, I am confident that we can move steadily in the direction of progress, and meet our responsibility to our people, and to the future that we will share.
We did not speak by phone or meet one another face to face until nearly a year after we began working together.
To meet the challenge of globalization, all countries in the world should work together closely to make it benefit humankind, and Finland hopes to further expand cooperation with China in all fields.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
And so what we're doing in the software development platform really brings together that whole broad set of capability to meet that kind of challenge.
"We were told (by fortune-tellers) that the two pythons are husband and wife and they need to live together, and if we don't marry them we will meet bad luck," he was quoted by AFP as saying.
“新娘”的主人说,算命的人告诉他们,这对巨蟒是夫妻,要住在一起,否则他们村人就会倒霉。 所以,他们为这对“新人”安排了婚礼,希望为全村人赶走霉运并带来好运与幸福。
"We were told (by fortune-tellers) that the two pythons are husband and wife and they need to live together, and if we don't marry them we will meet bad luck, " he was quoted by AFP as saying.
“新娘”的主人说,算命的人告诉他们,这对巨蟒是夫妻,要住在一起,否则他们村人就会倒霉。 所以,他们为这对“新人”安排了婚礼,希望为全村人赶走霉运并带来好运与幸福。
Let us seize the opportunity and redouble our efforts to meet the challenges and march together towards the new century.
Let us seize the opportunity and redouble our efforts to meet the challenges and march together towards the new century.