They seem determined to menace the United States and its allies.
To menace or attack the flank of.
The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
We now agree to your sending the 5th Column immediately to the vicinity of Nankow to menace the enemy at Peiping, Nankow and Huaijou from the northeast.
We now agree to your sending the5 th Column immediately to the vicinity of Nankow to menace the enemy at Peiping, Nankow and Huaijou from the northeast.
You're a menace to my privacy, Kenton.
Except a menace -a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.
The theoretical approaches presented here, however, suggest that in the real world there would be a vigorous policy response to the menace of the living dead.
They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people.
Not only is the Czech plant portrayed as a menace to Austrians, but the Czech authorities withhold vital information from their neighbours after the accident.
I was stunned by their implacable hostility and convinced that they were a psychological menace to my patient.
While public attention has focused on wind turbines as a menace to birds, a new study shows that a far greater threat may be posed by a more familiar antagonist: the pet house cat.
The official reason for the ban was “to control the menace of spam in the society”.
This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace.
India, he was convinced, would be "a curse for other nations, a menace to the world," once it became industrialized.
They all are accused of a long history of committing serious crimes and are considered a dangerous menace to the world.
There is a triffid-like menace that may unsettle delicate spirits, but lovers of the bold and bad will rejoice in the sheer wackiness, not to mention the comfort.
"Unless mistresses are completely wiped out, we won't be able to achieve a harmonious society and will only be left with the menace" mistresses present, Zhang said.
The greatest menace to most Africans is hunger, " he said.
But we ought to remember that the greater menace to global stability and prosperity lies halfway around the world.
Thanks to a plucky woman from Frenchtown, Montana, we now know how to deal with at least one animal menace.
Nowadays, though, it is streakers who are the bigger menace, prompting the tournament authorities last year to contemplate putting up a fence between spectators and players.
Mistresses are completely wiped out, we won't be able to achieve a harmonious society and will only be left with the menace "mistresses present, Zhang said."
Is he took this menace to our backyard in Guatemala.
We shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
The atmosphere of menace and uncertainty clearly unnerved him: “it [is] very difficult to carry on like normal and, as a precaution, we have cancelled our Book Group discussion”.
空气中充满了胁迫和不安的气氛,显然也令他感到丧气不已:“要像往常一样继续做事实在太难了。 以此为戒,我们已经取消了书友会讨论”。
The atmosphere of menace and uncertainty clearly unnerved him: “it [is] very difficult to carry on like normal and, as a precaution, we have cancelled our Book Group discussion”.
空气中充满了胁迫和不安的气氛,显然也令他感到丧气不已:“要像往常一样继续做事实在太难了。 以此为戒,我们已经取消了书友会讨论”。