China's e-tablet market to outstrip US by 2015.
The higher energy use that results tends to outstrip the original efficiency gains.
This is bound to outstrip the ability of many societies and ecosystems to adapt.
Pay scales on Wall Street continue to outstrip those in other professions outrageously.
It wasn't our favorite app to play with, and the limitations seem to outstrip the benefits.
The growth of expenditure will continue to outstrip GDP growth in the next three years.
Then the neutrinos wouldn't have to outstrip light to reach their destination in the observed time.
China's energy demands are starting to outstrip its efforts to develop of its vast domestic coal fields.
We are even seeing the greed factor starting to outstrip genuine concerns for her rights and future well-being.
Despite this, demand for other USES is still set to outstrip supply, and prices to rise, in the next couple of years or so.
Yes, large military industrial complexes like those of the West will continue to outstrip all other attempts at engineering.
Chinese growth would have to outstrip projections for the rest of the year to compensate for that worse-than-expected first quarter.
Over time, as we age,the number of mutations begins to outstrip the system’s ability to makerepairs, and mitochondria start malfunctioning and dying.
Despite the ravages of AIDS and a plethora of other diseases Africa's populations continue to outstrip the carry capacity of the continental resource base.
Bingley and Jane, however, soon allowed the others to outstrip them. They lagged behind, while Elizabeth, Kitty, and Darcy were to entertain each other.
Past figures show, for instance, that economic growth among world champions tends to outstrip that in the losing finalist countries during a world Cup year.
Some observers attribute this phenomenon to investors buying metals in the expectation that prices will rise further in 2011, when demand is forecast to outstrip supply.
Mr Schneider noted that clever machine-learning tools could process Uber's piles of data and determine when and where demand is likely to outstrip the supply of cars.
Either the needs of the developing world are causing demand growth to outstrip supply for an extended period, or new sources of supply can be found only at higher cost.
For at the end of the third year mortal children began to outstrip the Elves, hastening on to a full stature while the Elves lingered in the first spring of childhood.
I can say that if this competition in which you plan to outstrip us is to do the best for both of our peoples and for peoples everywhere, there must be a free exchange of ideas.
The flame has already become deep purple color, that is to outstrip 3 flavors true fire of existence, the archaic absolute being devil naturally as expected lives up to fame.
As demand for organ transplants continues to outstrip supply, a team of scientists from the University of Sunderland are hopeful they may have found a way to expand the donor pool.
And if you have a retail or food business, the hours you're open may far outstrip the hours it's possible for you to be on location.
Nor did his fairly rapid dismissal of his early belief that cooling caused by pollution might outstrip warming due to carbon dioxide.
他在早期认为大气中污染物的降温作用超过其中二氧化碳的升温作用,不过 后来很快就抛弃了这个观点。 这也对改善他在心态保守的同事眼里的个人形象没有好处。
We must outstrip history and we can do so only when past, present, and future cease to be important, when where and when we live becomes a matter of indifference.
We must outstrip history and we can do so only when past, present, and future cease to be important, when where and when we live becomes a matter of indifference.